November 30, 2004

If Romeo and Juliet hadn't bit it...

they would have ended up like this.

The five-year marriage is over between a former Marine and a young Bahraini royal whose story provided the basis for a made-for-television movie, "The Princess and the Marine."

This was supposed to be a fairytale romance. The problem is we rarely get to hear the ending.
The real ending to Cinderella and her Prince:
Cinderella gains 40lbs with her 3rd kid. Prince Charming gets tired of not getting any so he has an illicit affair with the kids' nanny. A tabloid sketch artist catches them leaving a sleazy tavern inn and Cinderella leaves the prince.
His royal career is ruined.

Don't even get me started on that bitch SnowWhite!

Posted by De at 09:46 PM | Comments (2)

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

I suppose I've wallowed in self pity long enough.
It's so easy to do, you know. Sit around, feeling sorry for yourself, telling yourself how much you suck and how you're a great big nothing.
Why is being happy so damn hard?

Anyway, I've decided that I can either blow my brains out and be done with it or I can start living and actually post a blog entry once in a while.
I chose the latter because, frankly, blowing your brains out is MESSY. You get all that brain matter, blood and skull fragments all over the place. (Talk about a bad hair day!) Did you ever see that scene in Pulp Fiction where they accidentally shot Marvin in the face?
It was a fucking MESS!

That paragraph sounded like I was building up to something huge. I'm sure you're thinking, "What is De going to do? Take off to Costa Rica ala Rob? Change her name and move some place where no one knows her and make a living dancing in titty bars? Run off to Ireland and have life changing experiences?"

Nah, it's not all that exciting. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing -living- sans the pity party.

So, what have I missed in the blogdom?

Posted by De at 09:53 AM | Comments (4)

November 27, 2004

Dear UTMB Stalker

I know you're back.
Jeezus. You seriously need to find a hobby. Retard.

Posted by De at 11:27 PM | Comments (5)

November 22, 2004

Close Call

Can you say "WHEW!"?
I bet the Bush family can.

A private jet that was en route to Houston to pick up former President Bush clipped a light pole and crashed Monday as it approached Hobby Airport in thick fog, killing all three people aboard.

Good for Papa Bush, bad for the others on the plane.

Posted by De at 03:17 PM | Comments (3)

November 17, 2004

It's All About De's Favorite Things!

It hit me this morning that I haven't posted my favorite things and it's SO CLOSE to Christmas!

So, if you were wondering "What should I get De for Christmas?". Wonder no more!

That's all I can come up with for now but rest assured there is more swimming around in this head!
Happy Shopping!

Posted by De at 05:18 PM | Comments (2)

November 15, 2004

I Keep Checking My Mailbox

but nothing's there.

However, THIS blogger received some really good stuff from a reader.

How come none of you losers has ever sent me stuff from Amazon? It's not like I don't whore my wishlist around like a crack-smoking pimp.
Gawd! I make it so EASY for you people!

Note to readers: TOTALLY KIDDING!

Posted by De at 05:15 PM | Comments (6)

November 11, 2004

Thank You


Have YOU thanked a veteran today?

Posted by De at 02:55 PM | Comments (1)

November 08, 2004

How Does Your Pussy Feel?

According to Kilgore Trout, he hates you!

Your cat hates you, and not in the lukewarm way that an teenager hates her parents for not letting her go to the Monkey Cunt concert. Your cat hates you like Hitler hated the Jews, like Rocky hated Ivan Drago, but with a concentrated fury unmatched by either man.

He is right. My cat refuses to clean all the shit off his ass and then wants to stick it in my face. That is pure evil hatred!

Posted by De at 02:15 PM | Comments (4)

November 06, 2004

More Horoscopic Weirdness

Ok, look. I'm sure you think I'm nuts but I can't believe how my recent daily horoscopes have been reflecting what I'm feeling inside right now.
Maybe I'm desperately seeking this reflection or maybe what I'm feeling is so common that some two-bit hack in a dirty office can bang out my horoscope for $2 an hour laughing at how stupid and gullible some of us our.
But whatever the case, I woke up this morning with my problems on my mind.
I fucking hate that. I love to wake up and lay there for a few minutes, lounging in the decadent goodness that is soft sheets, satin comforters, warm dogs and soft sunshine filtering through the blinds. Instead, I wake up and think how shitty things have gotten, how I've lost all my future plans and goals and how I have no energy to come up with new ones right now.
I laid there and pondered that for a few minutes then suddenly I flung the cover aside and proclaimed outloud, "I refuse to poison myself with these thoughts anymore! It stops today!" Yes, I'm talking to myself now, I realize that.

Then I read my horoscope on My Yahoo page and this is what it says:

The melodrama of past days is gone, but not without leaving behind a bit of leftover tension. Settle down and refuse to feed any more energy into this, and it will be over sooner than later.

Surely, you think this is freaky too?

Posted by De at 12:27 PM | Comments (3)

Soul Food Cafe

I know I've mentioned this site before but I just can't get over how jam-packed Soul Food Cafe is with creative goodies!
There are pages and pages dedicated to writing prompts and concepts. If your muse ever needs a good kick in the pants, send her here.
There is just not enough time in my day to get to everything this website has to offer so I keep going back.
If you're like me and don't know where the hell to begin when you first visit, go to the Box of Wonderment to get a taste. If you like to write, draw, paint, create or read, you'll be hooked!

Posted by De at 12:10 PM | Comments (3)

November 03, 2004

Where's My Magic 8 Ball?

For a few weeks I've been struggling with decisions.
I'm at a place in my life where I have to start moving forward, stop looking back and stop waiting for things to happen.
I have decisions to make but they are hard, gut-wrenching, heart-breaking decisions and I just don't know how to handle this.
So, last night, as I sit on my patio, watching wispy clouds race across the night sky, I made one decision: I'm leaving this up to God.
I'm not one of those Bible-thumping, holy-rollers, obviously, but sometimes when life gets too hard, it's important to turn to that higher power (whomever you believe in) and put yourself in their hands.
So, that's what I did last night.
This morning, while reading all the exciting election results on my My Yahoo page, I noticed my horoscope for the day.
Now, I don't really believe in all that mumbo jumbo and I certainly don't live my life by my horoscope but this one really made my hair stand on end...

De's Daily Gemini Forecast Quickie: This isn't up to you anymore. Time to relinquish control of this decision.

Daily extended
The needs of your body and spirit define what your medicine will be. The things you desire or crave may not necessarily be good for you. Common sense works on an intellectual level, but it takes a while for the emotional understanding to kick in. Be gentle with yourself. Your consciousness is deep and complex. If you need a guide for part of the way, there's no reason to be ashamed. This is where counselors and shamans have traditionally played their role. With the right interpretation and direction, today could contain many great achievements.

Eerie isn't it?
It was just the confirmation I needed...I don't give a shit that it's probably not real. Today, it's real to me.

Posted by De at 04:52 PM | Comments (1)

We Interrupt This Hiatus To Bring You.....

Yeeeee Haww!!!

Democratic Sen. John Kerry conceded the White House race to President Bush in a phone call on Wednesday, ending the drama of ballot counting in Ohio and cementing Bush's re-election to a second four-year term.
Posted by De at 11:42 AM | Comments (2)