November 27, 2004

Dear UTMB Stalker

I know you're back.
Jeezus. You seriously need to find a hobby. Retard.

Posted by De at November 27, 2004 11:27 PM

Yeah! There's only room for one stalker around here.

Sheesh. The nerve of some people!

Posted by: Jim at November 29, 2004 05:50 AM

Yeah! You're the only retard I want stalking me!
errr...I mean...uhh...

Posted by: DeAnna at November 29, 2004 03:38 PM

I'll never understand why some people can't leave other folks alone - - sorry to hear the stalker is back

Posted by: Uptown Girl at November 29, 2004 05:42 PM

Contact ME, you total waste of oxygen!

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