November 03, 2004

Where's My Magic 8 Ball?

For a few weeks I've been struggling with decisions.
I'm at a place in my life where I have to start moving forward, stop looking back and stop waiting for things to happen.
I have decisions to make but they are hard, gut-wrenching, heart-breaking decisions and I just don't know how to handle this.
So, last night, as I sit on my patio, watching wispy clouds race across the night sky, I made one decision: I'm leaving this up to God.
I'm not one of those Bible-thumping, holy-rollers, obviously, but sometimes when life gets too hard, it's important to turn to that higher power (whomever you believe in) and put yourself in their hands.
So, that's what I did last night.
This morning, while reading all the exciting election results on my My Yahoo page, I noticed my horoscope for the day.
Now, I don't really believe in all that mumbo jumbo and I certainly don't live my life by my horoscope but this one really made my hair stand on end...

De's Daily Gemini Forecast Quickie: This isn't up to you anymore. Time to relinquish control of this decision.

Daily extended
The needs of your body and spirit define what your medicine will be. The things you desire or crave may not necessarily be good for you. Common sense works on an intellectual level, but it takes a while for the emotional understanding to kick in. Be gentle with yourself. Your consciousness is deep and complex. If you need a guide for part of the way, there's no reason to be ashamed. This is where counselors and shamans have traditionally played their role. With the right interpretation and direction, today could contain many great achievements.

Eerie isn't it?
It was just the confirmation I needed...I don't give a shit that it's probably not real. Today, it's real to me.

Posted by De at November 3, 2004 04:52 PM

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