May 26, 2005

It's Over

I was right! I wanted Bo to win but I knew it would be Carrie.

Now that Idol is over, what will I do with my life?
Since Rick died, that was the most exciting thing any of us had in our lives. We looked forward to that weekly distraction where we had a good excuse to come together and just forget for a while.

I guess I might start going back to meditation at the Buddhist center on Tuesdays. Might as well feed my spirit if I can't feed my pop culture obssession.

Do you ever feel like your life is a great big waste? I do.
I want to do something about it but what? I have NO idea what I would like to do with my life.
Sometimes I think I'd like kids and a husband and be all Donna Reed and shit but I think I'm past my prime. I may be too old for kids and finding a husband to father them could prove difficult.

So, yeah whatever...
Idol is over and life goes back to something like normal.

I am not sure how I feel about the way American Idol showcases the retards. If a person knew they sang like someone was skateboarding over a cat and were just doing the AI auditions for attention, that's one thing. But I truly believe that some of these people are mental handicapped. I mean, why else would someone confess to being the world's biggest David Hasselhoff fan and then know his music well enough to sing it at the audition?
Who fucking listens to David Hasselhoff??? Well, except for Germans, I mean.

As soon as I learn some German, I'm totally releasing my next CD there! I'm sure to be their next greatest pop sensation. If Hasselhoff can do it, anyone can!

Posted by De at 03:02 PM | Comments (3)

May 25, 2005

Boys Keep Out - Girly Stuff

Unless you're a boy who wears make up.

I was having a conversation with two my sisters and a friend about make up.
The friend mentioned that I had such beautiful smooth, flawless skin.
Not true. Underneath the layers of foundation, I have red, blotchy, uneven skin with hugemongous pores.
I hate it!
But thanks to the modern cosmetic technology of make up, I look like I have great skin.
They proceeded to ask me what make up, face powder, moisturizer, eyeliner, make up remover, etc I use.
Now, had they asked me this question a few years ago, when I was less worried about paying bills and more worried about buying fabulous department store products, I would have given them some pretty expensive answers.
Today, however, I get by just fine on items I can buy at Walmart or Target.
What ARE those items, you ask?

I start in the morning with Loreal's Active Daily Moisturizer and the Equate version (Walmart's brand) of Loreal's Eye Defense.
I use a little under eye concealer by Rimmel.
Then I smooth on a layer of Cover Girl's Continuous Wear foundation. I even put some on my eyelids as a foundation for my eye makeup.
Then, to maximize the coverage and further hide my many imperfections, I dust on a layer of Cover Girl's Simply Powder Foundation.
To finish, I dust on Rimmel's Stay Matte Pressed Powder.
For my eyeliner, I've discovered my favorite is either Revlon's Color Stay Eyeliner in Vixen or Almay's 16 Hour Eye Pencil in Definite Brown.
It certainly doesn't last 16 hrs but it's better than some of the other products I've tried.
I am not picky about eye shadow. I'll buy whatever color I like and the same goes for mascara. If there is a new type of wand or waterproof, smudge proof, rub your eyes raw proof, I'm in.

To wash all that stuff off in the evening, I use Olay's Deep Cleansing Face Wash and for my eye make up remover, I use something our grandmothers probably used, Ponds Cold Cream.
I've found that it gently removes eye make up, while moisturizing the skin under the eyes and I just tissue it off to leave the cream under my eyes. It's a great idea I picked up from that Jillian Barberie chick.

So there you have it girls: How to look like you have decent skin on a budget!

Posted by De at 01:50 PM | Comments (1)

The Most Important Blog Post Ever!

This post could change everything.
Sure, I mostly just ramble about inane events but I will give you information that might change your life.

I am going to predict the next American Idol!

Last night was tough. Bo and Carrie each had to sing HORRIBLE songs. Who is the man in girly pants that wrote this shit?
Are one of these songs SERIOUSLY going to be the next single for the American Idol?

So, they did they best they could with two shitty songs and they were pretty good.
They both did much better with their own song choices, thankfully.

So, who will win? Well, if I represented the entire nation (and who says I don't?) I would choose Bo. I want Bo to win soooooooooo bad. I love me some Bo!
But, in all fairness, Carrie's milquetoast personality, sweet, empty smile, benign prettiness and talented voice appeals to a much wider audience.
So, my prediction:

Carrie Underwood will be our next American Idol.

You may now return to your lives, forever changed.

Posted by De at 11:08 AM | Comments (2)

May 23, 2005

Psycho Chick Purses

If you're wondering about my new banner graphic....

I noticed I got two unique statcounter hits from someone googling "psycho chick purses".
I don't know why that cracked me up but it did.
Apparently, I have psycho chick purses.
I know I have a lot of purses and it's possible some might be psycho chick ones.

So, now....It's All About Psycho Chick Purses!

Posted by De at 04:03 PM | Comments (4)

What's She Reading?

Of course you want to know!

Last night I finished The Bondmaid.

I love reading about Asian culture. The Joy Luck Club sparked that interest years ago.
I found The Bondmaid to be so sad. In the 1950's Singapore, the best life a poor girl could hope for is as a child slave in a good home or to marry some old disgusting man and hopefully bear him sons.
Female babies were often suffocated at birth.
Depressing, no?

This book was well-written. The author has a poetic voice and her descriptions of the superstitious and their conversations with ghosts and gods were extremely moving.

The main character's love of the Master was heartbreaking because it just couldn't be...not the way she wanted it.

Anyway, good book, read it in 2 days.

Now, I'll start Atonement by Ian McEwan today.

Posted by De at 01:07 PM | Comments (1)

Just Another Saturday Night...

or not.

Q: What do you get when you combine about 20 tall, strapping redneck 25 yr olds, three kegs of beer, loud music and three uninvited thug-wannabes high on freshly smoked crack?

A: Saturday night at my sister's house.

We aren't wild, crazy people but we apparently know a few.

My sister and her husband hosted a crawfish boil for friends and family. They served up some beer, over 200lbs of crawfish and good music.
They didn't serve the three crackheads that crashed the party but they came anyway.

A neighbor kid decided that he and his friends would smoke some crack and then come over and drink some free beer. What they didn't realize is that 20 of my nephew's best friends were there and they didn't like the looks of these scrawny drug users.
They tolerated them, out of respect for their best friend's parents but when one of the crackheads became a little too animated and started spouting some crazy shit to my sister, I asked one of the boys to get the crackheads to leave.

That's pretty much all it took for an all out brawl to take place. It went into the quiet neighborhood street with F-bombs and P-words being thrown about.
I can't believe the cops weren't called.
Those 25yr old gorgeous redneck boys love to drink beer and fight and they were in their element!

Before this started, I was pretty tanked myself but sobered up quickly when I knew things were going south.

However, I am getting old. I didn't bounce back from all that alcohol like I use to.
I was damn near bedridden all day Sunday.
What happened to those days of drinking all night and then getting up the next morning for school or work and then starting it all over again that night?

Those days are gone.

Posted by De at 12:53 PM | Comments (1)

What's Your Secret?

I love this blog: PostSecret.

The idea is to send in a postcard with your anonymous secret written on it.

There is something so haunting about an anonymous secret. Like a silent cry for help, attention or love.

Maybe I'll send a postcard in. Would you?

Posted by De at 12:39 PM | Comments (1)

May 20, 2005

Yeah yeah yeah....

I know, I need to blog more. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me.
I have thoughts and stuff but they aren't coming out of my head.

Everything seems boring and uninteresting to me.

Michael Jackson trial: Yawn

Saddam in his undies: Funny but who cares, really...

Flushing the Koran and the Newsweek fiasco: blah

Work drama with Bipolar coworker: I'm SOOOOO over it

I couldn't sleep at all last night.
I started a book a few days ago called Slammerkin by Emma Donoghue and ended up finishing it at 2:30am.
It's one of those books that really pisses you off at the end because you've invested your time and sacrificed sleep for THIS?
Christ on a crutch! Give me a happy ending or something after putting me through that deep depressing muck.
So, suddenly, it's 2:30am and I'm done with the book and think, Ok, I can sleep.
Nope. Ain't happenin.
I laid in bed thinking about everything in the world but mostly my nephew and I cried a little.
It's ok. I still cry. I'll probably still cry for a long time and I'm ok with that.
I've marveled at how many people are a little afraid of me now. It's like I have the stink of grief upon me and no one wants to be exposed to it.
I've lost my father and my nephew in less than a year and people just don't know what to say. Hell, *I* don't know what to say. It sucks. It really sucks. That's about the only way I can describe it.

Anyway, so after I cried I knew sleep wasn't coming so I traveled back to highschool a little.
I remember those nights, lying in bed, KNOWING I have to sleep because school comes real early in the morning but my eyelids just wouldn't cooperate.
So, I did what I use to do back then; I grabbed my headphones, stuck Sarah McLachlan's Mirrorball CD in my Discman and laid in bed, in the dark, listening. Of course back then it was a cassette Walkman and probably BonJovi or Heart on tape!

The last time I saw the clock, it was 4am.

So, blame this rambling post on sleep deprivation. I'm just not sure how to explain all the previous posts!

Posted by De at 11:57 AM | Comments (1)

May 13, 2005

Reading Is Fun...damental

I'm on a reading kick lately.
I don't say that to mean I never like to read but, yanno, with life kicking me in my non-existant testicles, I haven't had much time or inclination to sit down with a novel and just read.
However, I work with books and a certain book caught my attention and I found myself taking it home and reading it all in just two evenings.
Of all freaking things, it was a romance novel.
I hate romance novels. It's just my own personal preference....usually.
I hate how they are all alike. Girl meets boy, girl hates boy but secretly loves boy, girl pretends to fight her feelings, girl falls in love with boy...then something happens and boy rescues girl. blah blah blah
So, the fact that I chose this book to kick start my reading was surprising and a little embarrassing but it had an element in it that I've been finding interesting lately; time travel.
I don't know why but I love to read about time travel. Especially when regular people accidentally get sent back to some primitive era or when a Medieval dude gets thrust into our modern society and has to learn about cars, computers, rock music and women in trousers. I love that stuff!
So, I started with an easy read by Jude Deveraux called A Knight in Shining Armor. Yes. Lame. I know.
It was a story about a spineless chick who defined herself by the man she was with. She put up with an asshole who treated her like shit, used her for her money and then abandoned her somewhere in England.
Then her tears somehow summon a Baron knight from the 1500s with whom she is forced to act as a tour guide to the 20th century. Hilarity ensues.
Then, somehow, they are both returned to his time and then she must contend with fleas and lice, bathing infrequently and chamber pots.
Of course, I find this stuff interesting. What I didn't find interesting is the theme of the book. The main character was a woman who was incomplete without a man to love her.
I was hoping at the end she would find herself and realize that she can be happy without some guy at her side but instead she just meets another guy.

Lame. Yet, I read it in two days.

The next book was another genre that I've always stayed away from; science fiction.
Science fiction and fantasy have never turned my crank. I'm not into weird outerspace crap or dragons and faeries.
So, I found myself reading another book that passed my desk.
Doomsday Book by Connie Willis.
It takes place in the near future, 2048. They have figured out time travel and they send a student to the 1300s and she gets caught in the Black Plague while all of her collegues are stuck in 2048 Oxford in the middle of their own epidemic.
It's a great perspective of the death and destruction that the Black Plague left in it's wake.

Now, I'm reading Orson Scott Card. I've never read him before but of course I've heard of him....who hasn't?
Enchantment is about a modern Russian born, American scholar who gets spirited back into the 8th century after kissing a princess in an enchanted forest. Sounds a little fruity, I know but the guy seems to think so too.

So far, it's interesting. Who knows where this will lead me.

Read any good time travel books lately?

Posted by De at 10:57 AM | Comments (3)

May 12, 2005

I've Always Depended on the Kindness of Strangers

She's not really a stranger, I've been reading her blog for years....
but she is INCREDIBLY kind!

I got home yesterday to find a gift from my Amazon wishlist on my patio.
Sheila, my favorite blogger, gifted me with Ted Hughes' Birthday Letters.

Sheila is truly an amazing person. Gifts aside, she is just plain accessible and helpful. I emailed her for some help on a project I'm working on and she promptly emails me back with GREAT ideas.

There is only one way I can describe her: She Rocks!

Thank you, Sheila!!

Posted by De at 02:46 PM | Comments (4)

Sorry, I'm Lame

I don't know why I haven't updated.
I have good days and bad days. Somedays, just going to work and smiling at people is about all I can do. Posting a blog entry is out of the question on those days.

I was just talking to a friend the other night and he said that he realized recently that my life is devoted to the service of others.
He's right. My life is not my own anymore.
Since my dad died last summer, I devoted part of my life to helping my mother. Then when my nephew died in February, I've devoted the rest of it to grieving myself and helping my sister who really seems to need me.

Honestly, I don't mind. I've always felt better when I have a purpose in my life. I feel like right now, this is my purpose.
However, if my apartment is filthy, my laundry is piled to the ceiling, dishes are dry rotting in my kitchen sink and I'm growing science experiments in my refridgerator, it's not my fault.

I get up in the morning, stumble around to get ready for work and I don't return to my apartment until 10pm at the earliest.
By then, I am so exhausted and all I really want to do is watch a little HGtv and then read my book in bed.
I'm lucky if I clean my face and brush my teeth before I crash.

It's ok, though. This is all leading to something, I can feel it. I don't know what it is, but there is a reason for all that has happened in the last year.

There has to be.

Posted by De at 01:59 PM | Comments (2)

May 06, 2005

Busier Than A One-Armed Paper Hanger

But I wanted to "weigh" in on the recent dismissal of Scott from American Idol..........


That is all.

Posted by De at 04:30 PM | Comments (5)

May 04, 2005

For The Idol Impaired

So, I didn't watch American Idol last night. I DIDN'T!


If I had...I would have to say that Anthony Federov was pretty bad. I think he's got a nice voice but he just didn't pull it off last night.

If I had watched...I would have to say that as much as it irritates me, Scott performed well. That doesn't mean that I think he's great but he did perform his songs decently. He's CERTAINLY not better than the others. He's arrogant and ridiculous and still does those fake ass gestures on stage that make me what to punch him in his crooked mouth.

If I had watched...I would have to say that Vonzelle didn't do as well as she usually does. She wins the award for Most Improved, though. She's really come into her own in these past few weeks. She's got a promising career ahead.

If I had watched....I would have to say that Bo is AWESOME! He nailed both songs and proved again that he is a force to be reckoned with.
His stage presence is effortless and natural. He belts out the notes like he's been doing it his entire life.
He's unpretentious and unaffected. LOVE HIM.

If I had watched...I would have to say that Carrie did ok. I think she is talented, cute, has a great image and will appeal to a large range of people.
At one time, I picked her to win and I still think she could but she's becoming boring to me and I really think that Bo has a HUGE shot at winning it all.

A rocker winning American Idol? Say it IS so!

So, if I had watched last night, I would predict that Federov will be on his way home tomorrow evening.

Posted by De at 11:37 AM | Comments (3)

May 03, 2005

In Case You Were Wondering....

I am NOT watching American Idol tonight.

Nope, not gonna do it.

I won't post about it tomorrow either!

Posted by De at 02:16 PM | Comments (5)

May 02, 2005

It's All About De's Favorite Things

It's that time of year again....
Yes, that's right! You've got just over a month to shop for my birthday.
It's a special birthday; I'll be 25 again.

I know you're wondering, "What will I get De this year?". Well, wonder no more!
I give you: My Favorite Things

Anything from my wishlist

Chi Flat Iron

Any girl would love a pair of these
And these

This new Gucci fragrance will make me smell as good as my Manolo Blahnik’d feet look.

I’m almost out of my Wild Fig. Must have MOOOOOORE.

Can’t have enough yummy smelling things! Jasmine Vanilla is lovely.

I haven’t been crazy about kate spade’s handbag designs lately…well…until now.
Too cute and fun.

Two Anna Sui fragrances I do not own:
Dolly Girl Ooh La Love


Sui Love

Benefit Cosmetics always fit the bill!
I need a little lift.
How about a moon beam?
The foot needs some lovin.
Lips need to stay kissable….
And pouty

The old stand-by: My favorite candles are SUPER affordable. Clean Linen is my new fave.

Just Truffles. My favorites: Chocolate Malted Truffle, Tenor's Temptation Truffle, Caramel Truffle, Just Chocolate Truffle

Purse fetish:
This one encompasses my fetish for the purse and the purses!
This one in pink is SO divine! So what if it's over $1k???
Same one in a kick ass rockin design.
I dig hearts. In either black or raspberry.
Too cute! In pink of course!

Now, I've made it SO easy for you!
Happy Shopping!!!

Posted by De at 04:58 PM | Comments (2)