May 20, 2005

Yeah yeah yeah....

I know, I need to blog more. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me.
I have thoughts and stuff but they aren't coming out of my head.

Everything seems boring and uninteresting to me.

Michael Jackson trial: Yawn

Saddam in his undies: Funny but who cares, really...

Flushing the Koran and the Newsweek fiasco: blah

Work drama with Bipolar coworker: I'm SOOOOO over it

I couldn't sleep at all last night.
I started a book a few days ago called Slammerkin by Emma Donoghue and ended up finishing it at 2:30am.
It's one of those books that really pisses you off at the end because you've invested your time and sacrificed sleep for THIS?
Christ on a crutch! Give me a happy ending or something after putting me through that deep depressing muck.
So, suddenly, it's 2:30am and I'm done with the book and think, Ok, I can sleep.
Nope. Ain't happenin.
I laid in bed thinking about everything in the world but mostly my nephew and I cried a little.
It's ok. I still cry. I'll probably still cry for a long time and I'm ok with that.
I've marveled at how many people are a little afraid of me now. It's like I have the stink of grief upon me and no one wants to be exposed to it.
I've lost my father and my nephew in less than a year and people just don't know what to say. Hell, *I* don't know what to say. It sucks. It really sucks. That's about the only way I can describe it.

Anyway, so after I cried I knew sleep wasn't coming so I traveled back to highschool a little.
I remember those nights, lying in bed, KNOWING I have to sleep because school comes real early in the morning but my eyelids just wouldn't cooperate.
So, I did what I use to do back then; I grabbed my headphones, stuck Sarah McLachlan's Mirrorball CD in my Discman and laid in bed, in the dark, listening. Of course back then it was a cassette Walkman and probably BonJovi or Heart on tape!

The last time I saw the clock, it was 4am.

So, blame this rambling post on sleep deprivation. I'm just not sure how to explain all the previous posts!

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