May 23, 2005

Just Another Saturday Night...

or not.

Q: What do you get when you combine about 20 tall, strapping redneck 25 yr olds, three kegs of beer, loud music and three uninvited thug-wannabes high on freshly smoked crack?

A: Saturday night at my sister's house.

We aren't wild, crazy people but we apparently know a few.

My sister and her husband hosted a crawfish boil for friends and family. They served up some beer, over 200lbs of crawfish and good music.
They didn't serve the three crackheads that crashed the party but they came anyway.

A neighbor kid decided that he and his friends would smoke some crack and then come over and drink some free beer. What they didn't realize is that 20 of my nephew's best friends were there and they didn't like the looks of these scrawny drug users.
They tolerated them, out of respect for their best friend's parents but when one of the crackheads became a little too animated and started spouting some crazy shit to my sister, I asked one of the boys to get the crackheads to leave.

That's pretty much all it took for an all out brawl to take place. It went into the quiet neighborhood street with F-bombs and P-words being thrown about.
I can't believe the cops weren't called.
Those 25yr old gorgeous redneck boys love to drink beer and fight and they were in their element!

Before this started, I was pretty tanked myself but sobered up quickly when I knew things were going south.

However, I am getting old. I didn't bounce back from all that alcohol like I use to.
I was damn near bedridden all day Sunday.
What happened to those days of drinking all night and then getting up the next morning for school or work and then starting it all over again that night?

Those days are gone.

Posted by De at May 23, 2005 12:53 PM

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