September 30, 2004

It's Alive!

Well, I lived, obviously.
Thanks for all the well wishes. I promise to get back to posting soon.
As soon as I kick my addiction to Halls and Robitussin, that is.

Posted by De at 06:35 PM | Comments (2)

September 25, 2004

I Think I'm Dying....or melodramatic

I've been sick since Monday. It might be sinusitis, it might be a cold, the flu or it might be a tumah.
I've forgotten what it feels like to feel good anymore.

*flings herself across the chaise lounge with the back of her hand across her forehead ala Greta Garbo*
Goodbye cruel world!

(Until I feel better and feel like blogging again)

Posted by De at 08:22 AM | Comments (12)

September 21, 2004

It's a Dog's World

I have three dogs and a cat right now. Much to the Lovely Boyfriend's chagrin, I want more more more.
I don't know why I feel the need to have so many dogs. Maybe it's because I'm not having children. Maybe it's because I secretly yearn to be the "Crazy Dog Lady" of my neighborhood.
I have this need to own dogs in twos. Two of each breed, that is.
I already have two Bichon Frise. I have one Papillion so I want another to complete the set.
Then I want two Basenjis, two yorkies, two scotties, two golden retrievers, and two great danes. Who the hell am I? Noah??
I think I have an illness. An addiction to dogs, perhaps?
If I die alone, will they eat my eyeballs before anyone finds me? This is a valid question because I do believe that no matter how lovely the Lovely Boyfriend is, he will, in fact, leave my ass if I follow through with my intentions.

Posted by De at 03:33 PM | Comments (6)

September 20, 2004

I Don't Care

Britney Spears got married.

Get read for media onslaught.

See entry title.

Macauley Culkin has been busted for possession.

Are you surprised?

See entry title.

Posted by De at 09:41 AM | Comments (2)

Auntie Em! Auntie Em!

So, who else wasted away on their couch watching the 20 hr long broadcast of the Emmys last night?

De's Best Dressed List:

Kim Cattrell - loved the pink ostrich feathers!

De's Worst Dressed List:

Pretty much everyone else wearing "couture". Frankly, style-wise, SJP is overrated!

What was up with Garry Shandling's face? Don't tell me he didn't have a grill full of botox because I know some plastic surgeon was shooting him up backstage about 5 mins before he went live.
Good lord, he was frightening.
He wasn't that funny, either. I felt more sorry for him than anything else. Maybe that's his schtick; the pity laugh.

They were relentless with the speech time for winners.
30 seconds into the speech, the music would swell and then they turned the mic off.
How rude. If I were one of the winners, after my 30 seconds and the music started, I'd say indignantly, "What do you think you're doing? I'm Meryl Streep, goddammit!"
Of course, that would only work for....Meryl Streep.

Would someone please buy Al Pacino a comb and possibly bathe him?
Apparently, he doesn't have enough money to do these things for himself.

Starr Jones worked the red carpet for E!'s pre-Emmy-let's-lick-some-celebrity-ass special and she pretty much gushed and exploded over every celeb. Meanwhile, she was spilling out of her gold gown that was cut down to her navel.
Listen, girlfriend, just because you lost a couple of pounds for your upcoming nuptials to that poor guy, doesn't mean you can wear whatever you want. Cover some of that shit UP!
Notice, I said some. I think it's great that she's comfortable enough with her body to wear beautiful form-fitting gowns but seriously, the boobage she was showing was making us ALL uncomfortable! No one wanted to see THAT wardrobe malfunction.

I have no clue who won what. I have heard a rumor that the Emmys was an awards show but I have no proof of that myself.

Posted by De at 09:36 AM | Comments (3)

September 16, 2004

That'll Do, Pig

Seriously, this is the funniest line I've read regarding this whole Dan Rather Memogate scandal.

It comes from this post at Sanity's Edge.

[regarding Rather]He entered a pig in a dog show, and when the judges complained, he kept screaming, “Sit, doggy. Sit.”

What I don't get is why I don't see more network news teams covering this story. To me it's HUGE! A major news network produced forged documents on their primetime broadcast to make our President look bad. Scandalous!
(I know WHY it's not all over the television (liberal media and all that bullshit) but it's still hard to believe)

Sidebar: is it ok to put parenthesis inside of parenthesis??

Posted by De at 09:59 AM | Comments (2)

September 14, 2004

The Cover Up Is Always Worse Than the Crime

I was reading this story:

A man was sentenced to probation Monday for snatching the hairpiece off the head of another man at a restaurant.
The victim, Edward Floyd, was sitting in the Fisaga restaurant in Harrisburg on Jan. 1 when Goudy ripped the hairpiece off his head, taking with it a gold chain that hung from his neck, according to court documents.

and I had a few thoughts.
First of all, let's see, a hairpiece, a gold chain...right..
I'd probably want to snatch it off too.

Secondly, I don't get hairpieces or wigs for men. When men have this thick mat of dry hair slapped on top of some thinning stragglers, they look ridiculous rather than young or sexy.

Guys, I PROMISE you that you'd look better with your own natural skull showing rather than some dead animal poised on top of your dome.

I should also point out that the guys that went through with this stupid dare are assholes. Just because this old guy enjoys wearing roadkill doesn't give these guys the right to humiliate him in public. Fucktards.

Posted by De at 09:39 PM | Comments (2)

September 11, 2004

The Fall

Sheila at Redheaded Ramblings has a very interesting entry today. (Not to say that all her entries aren't interesting because they ARE!!!)
Here is an excerpt from this article that you should read:

Almost instinctually on Sept. 11, people recognized that they had an unfortunate view into an intensely private matter, an unseemly intrusion not just into someone's death, but into the moment of their dying. American broadcast networks generally avoided showing people falling. A sculpture that depicted a victim, known as "Tumbling Woman," was removed from display at Rockefeller Center after one week.

Some commentators later remarked that those who had fallen had made one brave final decision to take control of how they would perish. Researchers say many people had no choice. Witness accounts suggest that some people were blown out. Others fell in the crush at the windows as they struggled for air. Still others simply recoiled, reflexively, from the intense heat.

I've said this from day one, if a person knows - KNOWS - they are going to die, there is a certain amount of bravery in choosing HOW you're going to die.
I don't think there is a damn thing wrong with taking control of your destiny even when certain death is your ultimate destiny.

There were thousands of brave people making decisions on that horrible day and those innocent victims who chose to go the way they wanted to go are, in my eyes, courageous too.

Posted by De at 09:55 PM | Comments (3)

I Second That Holy Crap

I'm wayyyyy behind in the blog world these days.
Oh sure, I heard about it on the news and I felt concerned but I didn't hear the TRUTH because I wasn't reading blogs, I was relying on mainstream media. Big Mistake.

Rachel Lucas has it all lined out here.

the documents Dan Rather used on 60 Minutes the other night to "question" Bush's National Guard service are possibly fakes.

She's listed a ton of resources carrying this story and updating as it becomes available.


Posted by De at 09:23 PM | Comments (3)

We Will Not Forget


Today, I'll be thinking about all who lost on September 11, 2001.
Those who lost their lives and those who lost family members, loved ones and friends.
Also, those of us who lost something else; our innocence and our security.

credit for pic

Posted by De at 08:52 AM | Comments (2)

September 10, 2004


I betcha thought I was dead, huh? a way I almost died.
I made this crazy decision to let this blog go.
I even emailed Pixy.
But after much thought, I decided to not let some asshole keep me from doing something that I enjoy...
So, I'm back!

Didja miss me?

Posted by De at 09:46 PM | Comments (4)