September 11, 2004

The Fall

Sheila at Redheaded Ramblings has a very interesting entry today. (Not to say that all her entries aren't interesting because they ARE!!!)
Here is an excerpt from this article that you should read:

Almost instinctually on Sept. 11, people recognized that they had an unfortunate view into an intensely private matter, an unseemly intrusion not just into someone's death, but into the moment of their dying. American broadcast networks generally avoided showing people falling. A sculpture that depicted a victim, known as "Tumbling Woman," was removed from display at Rockefeller Center after one week.

Some commentators later remarked that those who had fallen had made one brave final decision to take control of how they would perish. Researchers say many people had no choice. Witness accounts suggest that some people were blown out. Others fell in the crush at the windows as they struggled for air. Still others simply recoiled, reflexively, from the intense heat.

I've said this from day one, if a person knows - KNOWS - they are going to die, there is a certain amount of bravery in choosing HOW you're going to die.
I don't think there is a damn thing wrong with taking control of your destiny even when certain death is your ultimate destiny.

There were thousands of brave people making decisions on that horrible day and those innocent victims who chose to go the way they wanted to go are, in my eyes, courageous too.

Posted by De at September 11, 2004 09:55 PM

I have to agree with you, De - - I think they were courageous

Posted by: Uptown Girl at September 15, 2004 09:01 AM

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Posted by: english springer spaniel at May 13, 2005 03:15 AM