Some people are so creative
I've added a new blog to my blogroll. Snooze Button Dreams. What a great idea!
I've always loved those extra 9 minutes of sleep and the bizarre dreams that incur.
He's rather new but he's got some interesting stuff.
The parents who thought their daughter was alive 17 years after her abduction have fallen prey to a cruel hoax. The woman who called them and said she was their little girl was lying, police said Wednesday.
This family has been in a nightmare for 17 years, probably trying to get on with their life never knowing what happened to their little girl.
Then this sick, twisted bitch calls them pretending to be their long lost daughter. These poor people got their hopes up only to find this is a digusting hoax.
I hope they find this woman and I hope she gets the maximum punishment and I hope she later burns in hell.
Ladies and Gentlemen....It's Ranty McRanterson
Few things piss me off more than book banning.
How, in a free country, can you justify banning a book?
I don't know about other states, but in Texas, uptight christians with sticks up their asses are constantly challenging local libraries trying to get perfectly wonderful books banned.
It's happening in Montgomery County. Their focus is on two books, It's Perfectly Normal and It's So Amazing.
I worked in a library for 2 years and I cataloged both of these books and perused them.
Granted, it made me a little uncomfortable looking at these explicit drawings of a naked mom and cartoons of mom giving birth to baby sister, but kids need to know these things and these books explain them gently without embarrassment or shame.
The kids in the age group that these books target should be accompanied by a parent when at the office anyway. This is a huge problem in the office. People dropping their kids off, expecting the office to babysit them. It's ridiculous.
Here is a list of more challenged books:
Harry Potter series - J.K. Rowling
Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
The Chocolate War - Robert Cormier
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou
Summer of My German Soldier - Bette Greene
Are these people kidding me??
We have video games like Grand Theft Auto and kid-targeted WWE wrestling with their sexually explicit scenes and their foul language and you have these holier than thou, sexless robots, pissing and moaning about Harry Potter?
Give me a fucking break!
I MUST have one!
If Rachel Lucas actually decides to sell these mugs, I'd totally buy one. What a riot!
Thanks for the memories
Like none of you already knew this....
Bob Hope is dead.
I've always loved old movies. I became a connoisseur of movies from the 30s and 40s as a teenager and I loved the "Road" movies with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. Their comic timing was unbelievable.
Bob Hope supported our troops relentlessly, often times when the rest of the country didn't.
He will be missed.
Maybe I'm not very smart. Maybe I haven't read enough Hemingway but I thought that bullfighting was some silly dude dressed all queer, waving a red cape around a big bull and that's it.
I was talking to a friend tonight and he tells me about how they stab the bull with these arrow or dart-type things, then after messing with him for a while, they plunge a sword into the bull and kill him.
I didn't know this!
It's so barbaric to me. They raise these bulls to fight, then the matadors goad these pissed off animals into charging them and they get pierced in their neck several times until they are stabbed by the matador. I don't know if bulls ever win because I read that if a matador is injured and has to be removed for medical attention, the rest of the matadors must kill the bull. If the crowd likes what they see, the ears and tail are cut off and given to the winning matador as a gift. Disgusting!
So, for pleasure, thousands of people watch as bulls are tortured and killed.
I did find out that the bull is taken to local butchers to be sold for food so I'm not sure if this is any different from slaughtering pigs and cows for our pork chops and hamburgers but at least we don't sell tickets to the slaughter and slowly torture our hamburgers.
I don't think I could ever watch a bullfight. Just like I couldn't watch any animal be murdered.
Here are a few links on bullfighting:
Information About Bullfighting in Spain and Andalucia
Corrida de Toros
PS: PETA is always up in everyone else's shit (like KFC) so why aren't they bitching at the bullfighters?
Update: Oh, I found it. PETA is all up in their shit!
I'm #3 on Yahoo Search for "odai autopsy pics" and #4 on Google.
Wow...Just Wow
I got this via Sheila, who is guest blogging at Dean's World.
It's all our fault
: Kaveh points us to a provocative Usenet post on Iranians blaming America written by an Iranian expat in America answering an Iranian complaining about us:
*I* Knew The Bambino. You, Sir, Are No Bambino
It's official. Barry Bonds is unlikeable.
Yes, he's an exceptional baseball player but he's a class A jerk.
Hank Aaron can have his home run record and Willie Mays' 660 home runs give him pause, Bonds said, but Ruth? Bonds figuratively spit on his grave, ignorant of the unparalleled contributions Ruth made to the game. Until Bonds is a two-time 20-game winner and a career .342 hitter and feels any inkling of responsibility to the game beyond increasing his own worth, he should worship Babe Ruth for helping to make baseball both the sport and the national treasure that has allowed him to become so enriched.
I don't think Barry Bonds wants to be liked. He carries the greatest chip on his shoulder.
You would think after all the successes he has had, the blessings in his life, he'd find something to be happy about.
Air Waitresses
God, I heard the funniest story on Jim Rome today.
The Mets were on a flight to somewhere when they heard about the deaths of the Hussein kids.
The air waitress flight attendant came to see what all the celebrating was about.
One of the Mets said "We got Oday and Qusay."
The flight attendant said, "Oh, I don't really follow baseball. Are they any good?"
Apparently, this chick doesn't get off the plane much.
A New Find
Sabrina has made a find. Another really good blog. TV Is My Drug of Choice. Go read it! She is hilarious and as funny as I wish I was!
It doesn't ever come out on paper blog, but I'm really funny in my head. I'm really creative in my head. I'm really profound in my head. I've recently found out that it's the ADD that somehow blocks it from coming out of my head sometimes.
It's freakin frustrating!
I wish you all could crawl into my head and appreciate my genius insanity. Whatever.
Hey, don't get your dick in a twist!
Touring companies are criss-crossing the globe performing what they call `The Ancient Australian Art of Genital Origami.'
I'd like to meet the man who can tie his into a giant swan.
Prosecute that Pussy!
My cat just eats, craps and sleeps. How do I get a cat like this?
A marauding feline named Midnight _ now dubbed Klepto Cat _ has been sneaking off in the dark to raid neighbor's homes, garages, sheds and patios, bringing home shoes, hats, shirts, socks and even a wrapped Christmas present.
Nothing much to say...
I've been obsessed with looking for work so I don't have a whole bunch to blog about even though tons of stuff is going on right now.
Here are a couple of links I found interesting:
Bill Whittle is mad! I don't blame him. The Democrat response to the death of the evil spawn of Saddam is enough to make you slap your mother.
I've always heard about this guy's blog but I don't know why I've never read it. He's got some good stuff regarding the dickhead Dems.
Something's Fishy
Oh's me! I'm a Flippery Fish in the Blogosphere Ecosystem, #1605. I'm moving up in the world.
Drugs're bad, mkay?
Geoffrey at Dog Snot Diaries has this lil tidbit.
This person has an idea. An idea that is based on the hatred she has for Bush.
Apparently, she feels that George W. Bush is responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks. I know, I know...
God I hope we got 'em...I hope we got 'em..
(that was my A Chorus Line reference)
Saddam Hussein's sons Odai and Qusai (search) were "very likely" killed Tuesday when U.S. soldiers stormed a house in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul (search), U.S. military and Bush administration sources told Fox News.
I was awakened with this story. [read: my mommy called and told me]
I don't pretend to know how things work there in Iraq but I feel like the death of the terror twins will impact the guerilla warfare going on there. Once the people are confident that Saddam and his evil offspring are worm food, they will start to become a little more calm and people MIGHT stop fighting back. (I hope)
Gimme the Tony
Scrappleface has the "news".
Prime Minister Tony Blair Seeks Asylum in U.S.
Note to Tony Blair: My apartment is Limey-free, baby!
Hide The Sausage
An inmate wants the State of NY to pay for his sex change operation.
A homemade knife and a pissed off cellmate can take care of this for free.
Holding your breath til your face turns blue?
Kelly hemorrhaged to death after slitting his left wrist, said acting superintendent David Purnell of Thames Valley Police. A knife and pain-killers were found near where his body was recovered.
So, this guy is under extreme pressure and he "offs" himself and the reporters are blaming Tony Blair?
Did Tony Blair slit this man's wrists?
At a tense press conference in Hakone, Japan alongside Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, Blair stood stony-faced, when a journalist asked if he had "blood on your hands" and would resign. He said nothing before shaking hands with Koizumi to end the press conference.
This is the extreme equivalent of a child saying "You'll be sorry when I'm dead!"
Did this guy kill himself to "get back" at the people that put him under all this pressure?
Did he kill himself because he had a LOT of psychiatric problems? Probably.
I heard a therapist once say that thoughts of committing suicide are not normal thoughts of a person who is emotionally healthy, so I can imagine that people who actually commit suicide are not emotionally healthy people at all and just being under pressure won't drive a normally healthy person to kill themselves.
It's sad that this man ended his own life but it's no one's fault but his own.
I went to the memorial service of my mom's best friend.
I hate funerals not just because they are yanno, sad and morbid but because I think the whole funeral custom is so barbaric and disgusting.
This, however, wasn't like that. This was a celebration of life and that is cool.
Several people, including my mother, spoke. They told funny stories about the kind of person she was and had everyone in the church laughing (and crying a little).
THAT is the kind of service I would like to have. Something fun.
Mom and I were talking about her friend's last days. She knew she was dying but she told my mom she wanted just a little more time. My mom didn't really understand why she wanted more time because her friend was in excrutiating pain constantly and the only pain medication that really worked, made her unconscious.
I explained to my mom that no matter how big we all talk about how we're not afraid to die, I think it's bullshit. Yes, I can say right now that if I were to die right now, I wouldn't be afraid but how the hell can I really know that? I think that anyone would really have some fear because it is the "great unknown".
Whether we believe in the Bible or something else, we don't know for sure what is on the other side when we die. It could be nothing, it could be everything, but no one knows for sure. Facing the unknown is scarier than hell.
I rode to the church with my sister Dana and as we were getting out of the car, she realized that she didn't bring any tissue. I said it was ok because I had some in my purse.
As the service went on and I felt a few tears pricking my eyes, I took out the tissue, suddenly finding that it was only ONE tissue. "Oh well," I thought, "she's going to have to use her sleeve." lol
I wiped my eyes and nose a few times with the edge of the tissue and when my mom spoke, her voice was shaky and she got a little choked up a few times and that made my sisters and I cry a little too. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dana's hand next to me, gesturing for a tissue. Knowing I didn't have an extra, I tore off a clean edge of the tissue I was using and handed her that little scrap. She nearly burst out laughing and I think after, her tears were of laughter.
The service was almost over and I realized that it was the first time in a long time that my sisters and I didn't make complete spectacles of ourselves at a funeral.
When bad things happen in our family, for some reason, we deal with it with humor. We can find something freakin hilarious about pretty much any serious situation and laugh our asses off.
When my dad's mother died, we really cut up at her funeral but only because my oldest sister decided at about 4 am that morning to color her hair and she piddled around so long that morning that she ended up running late to the funeral so she put her wet hair up in a bun instead of drying it. She sat in the pew ahead of my sister Dana and I and about halfway through, we noticed that Rhonda had dye running down the back of her neck. Yes, it was a sad, solemn occassion but Dana and my other sister and I laughed our asses off all the way through the service. I hope people thought we had our hands over our faces to hide our sobs.
I'll try to remember to write about the funeral we were late for and we pulled into the parking lot on two wheels causing the funeral directors to come running out to see what all the noise was.
Oh, looks like I already did!
I Wanna Be In Pictures!
Check out Les Toil! I want him to do a picture of me, I mean.
10 Things That Make My Heart Happy
(in no particular order)
1. Seeing the Grump's number on my caller ID.
2. Getting real emails from friends.
3. The dollar store.
4. Crash's excitement over getting a new toy.
5. Seinfeld reruns.
6. M*A*S*H reruns.
7. Chocolate milk shakes made by me.
8. Cooking.
9. Making my mother laugh.
10. The smell of fresh coffee.
I bought Crash a new toy at the dollar store today. Zoe and Piper won't play with toys but Crash LOVES them!
This one is a bizarre purple monkey with extremely long arms. There is a squeaker in the head, the belly, at the end of one arm and the end of one leg.
He danced with anticipation as I cut the tags off of it and then squeaked it a couple of times just to titillate him a little.
He grabbed it and ran into the bedroom and jumped on the bed with it. It's longer than he is so he stumbled on it a little but he has refused to be separated from it for most of the night. This adoration will last for about 2 days and then it will become just one of his many toys that will end up in his bone-shaped toy chest that he occassionally knocks over and picks from the toys that spill forth.
One day, he will choose it again and relive those early days of joy this toy brought him.
It's official...I'm NOT disgusting
that is, according to Sam.
I've been reading her blog for a while and she has some interesting things to say. Go check her out. It's worth the read!
Imagine that! She's on blogspot and her archives work. WTF?
Who do I have to fuck to get my archives to work too???
Laughing Makes You Run Faster
Frank's got a good one.
My favorite:
9. At talks, say, "Hey! Look over there!" Then grab nuclear warheads and run away while laughing (laughing makes you run faster).
Falafel Monologues II
Tonight, I made falafel. It was AWESOME. I made a falafel wrap with romaine lettuce and I made my own tahini sauce with tabasco and cilantro.
It was so good that I felt kind of empty because I didn't have anyone to share this wonderous thing with. So I made a wrap and took it to my parents so they could bask in the joy that is good food.
Where is the Grump?
Suddenly, he doesn't blog! I think he will be back in the blogosphere soon. He's been busy playing with his little virtual cars and his little virtual friends at MCO (Motor City Online).
I hope he comes back soon, I miss hearing reading all the wonderful things he says about me. LOL
Links n stuff
Stoney at Rebel Yell feels that in a duel between Wal-mart and communism, Wal-mart is always the victor.
I have a mental picture of Acidman trying to walk in a way so that his jewels don't cause him to wail in abject misery.
Ha ha!! Brent at The Ville has found a present for Acidman.
I've found a morbidly interesting site, Autopsy Report. If you find this stuff fascinating, you'll love this blog by an intern in a medical examiner's office.
Dear Geoffrey seems to think that if the dictionary says it, it's the law or something.
Rachel Lucas talks about stoopit kidz.
I have always been an avid reader. I started out with your typical children's books but then I read Gone With the Wind in the 6th grade and was hooked on more mature literature.
In highschool, I read everything Victoria Holt wrote under all 3 of her pseudonyms. I had this fascination with all things British, especially the royal family. I read everything I could about Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I.
I also remember this girl who lived across the street. Her name was Gina and she was in highschool while I was still in junior high. She read a lot and had a HUGE book collection, mostly teen romances. I was addicted to those books. She would let me come over and pick out 5 or 6 books at a time and I would read those in a week or two, then return them for 5 or 6 more. She really fueled my desire for the written word.
I didn't go to the office much because it was too far to walk and my mom didn't have much time to take me, she was a working mother, after all.
In highschool I was one of the only kids in class who could raise their hand and say they've read the required reading BEFORE we were required to read it!
I don't know how well I write anymore. I've forgotten all those rules of grammar and sentence structure but I am a damn good speller because I grew up with my nose in books.
This made me cackle out loud. via Across the Atlantic
Falafel Monologues
I had my first taste of falafel the other day. It was GOOD. I want more. But where are you going to find freakin falafel in a smallish Texas town? Answer: the local grocery store!
I am going to make falafel tomorrow. I've got the tahini and the's all about the falafel baby!
I'm an ASS
Earlier I'm all, "This storm was a dud!" and then I see pics like these
We got lucky. We've gotten lucky for the past several years. Yeah in 2001, Allison flooded the hell out of Houston but our little town only had minimal flooding. The last bad hurricane we've had was in 1983, Hurricane Alicia. It was a catagory 3 and it fucked our shit up!
We've had a long time since a bad one and I'm afraid we're due. *knock on wood*
What a Dud!
I'm sure the people in Matagorda aren't thinking this.
The "Hurricane" is over. It didn't make landfall here, however, we got some of the good stuff. I was up until 4 am watching the spectacle. Mother nature is awesome. The fury of her hurricanes can hardly be matched.
I was a little disappointed that there wasn't just a little more drama. There was no flooding, no power outages, no roofs flying off in the wind. Bummer.
It has begun
Claudette is making her presence known.
The winds are really wild right now. I've brought in all my plants and things that could become projectile weapons but I have this long spiral thing hanging from the ceiling of my's about 16 inches long and hangs straight down. I can see it from where I sit and the wind gusts are causing it to go horizontal and slam up against the ceiling.
I heard a little bit of rain coming down earlier so I thought I had better take the dogs out one last time before the weather got really bad. So, I put on a jacket with a hood because umbrellas are about as useful as Michael Moore on a treadmill in this kind of wind and stepped outside my door. Before I could get to my stairs, I heard a loud roar coming closer and as I looked in that direction a HUGE gust of wind and rain slammed into me.
"Sorry kids," I said to the dogs, "we won't be going outside right now."
This is what worries me about the dogs are very well housetrained and except for Zoe's occassional incontinence, they flat out refuse to go to the bathroom inside and will drive me crazy until I let them go out. Then, if it's raining really bad, they immediately go running back into the house, refusing to go out in the weather. Sheesh!
Yes! THAT is what I meant
Scrappleface makes a VALID point.
No one, however, has challenged the administration's assertions that Saddam was meeting with nuclear scientists, that satellite photos showed former nuclear plants being rebuilt, and that Iraq had attempted to purchase the kind of aluminum tubes used for enriching uranium.
Thank you!
We have found everything BUT the actual nuclear innards.
What the hell do you think Saddam was going to do with all those tubes and shit? Fill them with candy and let them explode like pinatas over the US?
His Eye Is On The Sparrow...
I have the unenviable task of finding music for my mom's best friend's funeral. She is not dead yet, but she's in the care of Hospice and will probably not make it past Wednesday.
She asked my mom a few months ago to speak at her funeral and since I'm such a big music freak, Mom has asked me to find some good music for the service.
Mom wants some gospel pieces but I am going to throw in some nice classical ones too.
His Eye Is On The Sparrow is one of my favorite gospel songs so that is a definite.
I'm going through my classical collections to find suitable songs.
See, this is what *I* don't want for my own service. I don't want someone picking out my music. I don't want people gathering to blubber over my passing. Cremate me, have a party, eat, listen to cool music, then go home. That's it!
Auntie Em! Auntie Em!
Tropical Storm Claudette is eyeing our coast. She's thinking about coming to see us.
I kinda think she's going to head down towards Brownsville, however, my oldest sister who rarely over reacts was seen stocking up on water, candles, flashlights and batteries at Walmart. That's not a good sign.
You might think, "A tropical storm? At least it's not a hurricane." As bad as hurricanes are, a tropical storm can sometimes do more damage. Two years ago, Tropical Storm Allison came through and some parts of Houston had as much as 28 inches of rain. The medical center was completed under water. Years and years of medical research was lost.
I watched TV from 2 am on, as people were being rescued from their roofs because that was the only place in their house that wasn't under water. I saw poor dogs taking refuge on roofs. These fucking people actually evacuated and left their dogs to fend for themselves!
Anyway, tropical storms can bring in tons of rain and flood the hell out of places.
So, we're you watching you, Claudette. We don't want you here but just in case, I have my candles, water and dog food.
**Update** Dr. Neil Frank said he thinks it's going to hit Galveston. Fuck! I'm on the mainland of Galveston Island. Time to grab my canoe!
This little piggy went to market...
Saturday, the Grump and I went to Central Market 1.) to get some things and 2.) to show the Grump all the cool shit.
I freakin love this store. If you're looking for Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and Coke, look elsewhere. This store only sells organic and gourmet shit.
Their produce section is unfuckingbelievable. Their varieties of potatoes take up one whole wall and they must have 25 different kind of apples. (I picked up some Pink Lady apples)
There were cheeses from tons of different countries. We spent a few minutes sniffing the stinky cheeses...mmmm!
We left with only a few things: baby button mushrooms, apples, spinach bacon dip, water crackers, garlic hummus, sun-dried tomato and basil artesian bread and Haagen Dazs chocolate ice cream.
One the way home, we found the house we want. It was a cute stone and brick cottage-type place. It was just a few blocks from Central Market and in the middle of everything in a nice neighborhood. It was perfect. I could imagine the dogs running around in the backyard, while we sat in our lounge chairs watching them as the sunset off in the horizon. (I'm imagining we could see the sunset through the skyscrapers)
Other than the fact that we knew it was our last day together, the whole day was perfect.
We picked up the dogs and went home so I could start dinner while he took my car out for some maintenance.
I had been marinating a pork tenderloin in red wine, onions, garlic, peppercorns and other various spices all day.
I took the button mushrooms, leaving them whole, and sauteed them in some butter and garlic, then covered them in red wine and beef broth, added some rosemary and let them simmer for 30 mins, until the tenderloin was done. (Oh My God, they were GOOD)
I served everything up with some garlic herb mashed potatoes and a caesar salad.
We had a nice German Riesling with dinner and then a barely chilled Zinfindal after.
It was beautiful. Except the black cloud of our impending separation hovered over us all night.
Penis...the OTHER white meat...
Venomous Kate has a disgusting story for ya.
One Blog to Live
Because I've been like living my life n stuff, I've been skimming over all this crap going on in the blogosphere but not really commenting on it.
This shit is out of hand!
I read Dog Snot Diaries regularly and part of the drama was featured on his blog.
Before this I had never read the mentioned blogs and I don't pretend to know everything that happened but one person actually had guidelines on her blog regarding what people can and cannot say.
I guess when a blog is YOURS you can make the rules but if you blog about your opinions, then allow comments, be prepared for opinions different than yours.
When I was young, I remember wondering why people didn't see the logic in my views. Now, as an ADULT, I understand that people have different opinions and I welcome and respect the differences in others.
Yes, I wouldn't want people to come on to my blog and start spouting psycho shit but from what I read, it was mostly people just saying what they think and defending the rights of other people to their own opinion.
To close your blog down because of what other bloggers have said means that maybe you didn't believe in your own convictions to begin with.
If you don't have absolute belief in yourself and the things you say, don't say them. At the same time, you have to KNOW that other people won't always agree with you.
That's not to say that I don't talk shit all the time, because I KNOW I do, but at that time, I totally believe it! If you call "bullshit" in my comments, I just might agree with you. If I don't, then I'll probably tell you so. That is all.
Geoffrey at Dog Snot Diaries is funnier than hell because he says what he thinks whether it's popular or not. He admits that he says things that would classify him as an asshole, yet he doesn't apologize for it. I don't agree with everything he says but as someone said of Voltaire, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
I'm also out of the loop on other blog dramas....Robyn at Tampa Tantrum closed her blog due to some soap opera event but now she's back. I hate not knowing what's going on, dammit.
Mr. Big Stuff
Acidman is a bloggin fool while he's recuperating. I won't link to just one entry. Go fucking read them all!
Note to Acidman: If I weren't lovingly attached to a wonderful man, I'd be in line to help you test our your new equipment!
The suckiest day EVER
He was LIVING here. He came home to me everyday. We had dinner together everyday. We slept in the same bed everynight and now he's gone.
I fucking hate this. I can't even express how much this hurts.
However, this was a wonderful week. He spoiled me relentlessly and I loved playing house with him.
One of the things I love about having him here is that I get to cook. I love cooking but really don't feel like cooking for myself most of the time.
I let him choose the menu this time and for some bizarre reason, I can't remember what all I cooked.
I'm freaking out because most of this week is a huge blur. I couldn't tell you what we did Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I wonder why?
Lord Lady of the Ring
My fastidious sister called me this morning in a panic. Yesterday morning she took off her wedding ring to put some lotions on her legs and then never saw her ring again.
She searched all night for it but couldn't find it, so this morning she asks me to come help her, maybe I could see something she couldn't.
I get over there at a little before 11am. We tear this house APART. We move furniture, turn chairs and couches over. I get the flashlight and look under the beds, down drains, under the washer and dryer, along baseboards, etc...
We searched everywhere for 2 hours. Nothing.
Finally, we were exhausted from constant searching, our backs aching, so we decided to take a break. She then proceeded to tell me the heartbreaking story of how she came to get that ring. It's not her original wedding ring. They were but teenagers when they married so all he could afford was a thin gold band with a miniscule diamond. On their 10th anniversary, he presented her with this beautiful wide gold band and a 1 carat diamond. He got down on one knee and proposed once more and then took the ring to a priest to have it blessed. Now, 15 yrs later, she loses that ring.
I begged her not to finish this story because I wanted to cry. All that beautiful symbolism is now lost.
We sat and talked for a while and I told her several times that when she's not looking for it she will find it. Secretly, I felt horrible because when she called me, I was confident that I would go over to her house and find that ring. I never questioned it.
I worked as an optical lab tech for quite a while and I got extremely good at finding those small screws and frame parts that fell on the dark carpeting of my lab.
So finally, I decided to leave, apologizing to her that I couldn't find her ring.
She walked me to the porch and we stood there for a moment saying goodbye when I glanced down at the bench on her porch and I couldn't believe my fucking eyes. There it was, gleaming in the sunlight. Her wedding ring.
I grabbed it so fast, as if it would disappear if I didn't get my hands on it quick enough.
When I handed it to her, she screamed and threw herself into my arms and just cried. We also laughed our asses off. For 2 and a half hours, we tore her house apart, on our hands and knees, breaking our backs moving furniture and all the time, it was outside.
She then remembered that she was running late for exercise class the previous morning so she came outside to let the dog out and put her lotion on while she waited, sitting on the bench.
This was different than her usual routine, so she completely forgot that she was on the porch that morning.
It doesn't matter, we found the ring and that is all that matters.
I've never had a lasting symbol of love like that but I do know how important it would be to me if I did.
So, I am the Queen of Lost Items! (as long as the item doesn't belong to me)
Well of course!
LOVE is your chinese symbol!
What Chinese Symbol Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
via Venomous Kate
I've known this from day one. It's the rest of the freakin Libs that need to be convinced.
I've been sitting here staring at the screen for several mins...I got nothin.
Maybe I'll have something to say tomorrow.
Oops...almost forgot...
And I'm not linking to him on this day because I'm scared. Really. Seriously.
Do I care about Britney's virginity?
No. The rest of the world seems to.
No one should care what this girl does off camera BUT she shouldn't be telling people her business.
Doesn't she have a publicist that says "Hey, stupid chick, don't talk about your sex life!"?
Oh and she says she kissed Colin Farrell. That's the smartest thing that girl has ever done!
Who do I have to shake...
to make people understand that it doesn't matter whether we find WMD or not!
There is some wonky shit going on in the White House but I can't care too much when a Dem, Gephardt, who is running for President is the one pointing the finger.
Food of Love
Grump and I were invited to a friends' house for dinner Saturday night. These are the MOST hospitable people in the world! They served us big-ass rib eye steaks, huge tiger shrimp, sea scallops wrapped in bacon and lobster tails.
We ate like freaking royalty!
These friends have always been so kind and generous with us. They always invite us over when M is in town and feed us the most incredible things!
Good friends...good times. ;)
Bad Karma
I've been a sick mofo since Grump's been here. The older I get, the worse my digestive system seems to get. I'm lactose intolerant which I guess I've been for years but didn't realize it until the last coulple of years. I knew I never liked cheese, milk or most dairy products but I thought it was because I didn't like the taste. Now, I understand that it probably made me sick so much that I just thought I didn't like it.
So, besides the lactose thing, now pretty much anything other than super simple foods, make me a miserable fucker.
Poor, M. He is so good to me when I'm writhing on the bed in pain.
I seem to get worse when he's here. It's like fate knows how much I want to feel good during this time but she's fucking with me, as usual.
l33t ha}{0rz
Apparently some dipshits hacked into blogrolling for a short amount of time and changed all links to Adam Curry's weblog.
Maybe it was Adam himself to let us all know he was still alive because I sure as hell didn't know and didn't care.
Well Damn
The conjoined Iranian twins have died.
I guess they were meant to be together, forever.
Reason #39433983 not to have kids...
Sending your children to school isn't safe. It hasn't been for a VERY long time.
The right to bear arms is a great right we have, but for this father to have ALL this ammo and not know his son has unlimited access to it is disgusting.
What the hell?
I know celebrity deaths usually come in threes but in thousands? Shit, it seems like everyone is dropping dead. Today it's Buddy Ebsen yesterday it was Barry White and before that the great Katherine Hepburn and others in between and before.
I bet it's standing room only in front of the Pearly Gates.
You're the're the cream of the crop..
I totally love Acidman's blog. He reminds me of so many genuine southern men I know.
Southern men are special people. They're rough on the outside and soft and creamy on the inside, just like Acidman.
He's having a very special and long awaited procedure on Wednesday and I wish him all the best!
Wanna Play House?
I can't believe he's here! I keep saying it but it's so true. Everytime I think about how he surprised me, how I woke up Friday thinking it was just going to be a normal day, how fucking SHOCKED I was to see him at my door, I just can't believe it!
I'm such a lucky lucky girl. Every second we spend together is just wonderful, even when I'm sitting here on the couch at 3 am and he's snoring in the bedroom because I can't sleep.
He starts his classes tomorrow so he'll be leaving the house at 7 am and won't return til probably 6 or 7. I'll be the dutiful house frau and make him breakfast, send him off with a kiss, then have his dinner cooking when he gets home.
Yes, this is soooo hopelessly old-fashioned but I enjoy doing stuff like this and I know it's not possible to do all the time in real life, so what the hell? Why not enjoy it while we can do it?
These next 7 days are going to FLY by but I'm going to try to grab each experience with both hands and hold on to it as long as I can.
Acidman's 25
Acidman posed the questions, everyone answered...
1. Do you have a personal hero? If so, who is it?
No, I'm still waiting to be inspired.
2. What is your favorite book of all time and what made it so fucking good?
Gone With the Wind because the book portrayed a time in our country that was both beautiful and ugly without glorifiying the characters, making them both good and bad and didn't insult our intelligence with a "Happily everafter".
3. What does “diversity” mean to you?
Sometimes on the bed, sometimes on the couch, sometimes on the floor, sometimes on the kitchen table...
Seriously, diversity is what our country SHOULD be based on. Diversity should happen naturally and be not forced on us.
4. What is the wildest thing you’ve ever done?
It's a tie between menage a trois (guy, guy, girl) and roadhead in a traffic jam.
5. Do you regret doing it?
Life is too short for regrets.
6. Can you drive a stick shift?
Yes, but haven't done it in years.
7. What’s the highest speed you ever traveled in a car?
Uhh...I'm a pussy, I barely drive over the speed limit.
8. Were you driving, or riding at the time?
Same as above, PUSSSSSSAY
9. Which is better: snakes or spiders?
They are both disgusting and I refuse to choose.
10. What is the most disgusting thing you ever ate?
Vegemite. WTF are these foreign fuckers thinking???
11. Have you ever shit your pants? Be HONEST!
Umm..not since I've been potty trained.
12. Was losing your virginity an enjoyable experience?
I can't say it was seeing as how I wasn't even sure it happened at first.
13. Should oral sex be outlawed or encouraged?
Sex between consenting adults shouldn't be governed by law but I'm alllllll for it.
14. Name one man with a fine ass.
The Old GRUMP of course!
15. Do you watch golf on television? If not, will you iron my shirts?
Yes and hell no.
16. Who is Martha Burk?
A dumb bitch who needs a nice dick, seriously.
17. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Everything on the outside.
18. Do you eat raw oysters?
Hell no, I don't eat snot either.
19. Are you claustrophobic?
In large crowds, yes.
20. If you rode a motorcycle, would you wear a helmet even if the law said you didn‘t have to?
Yes. In a fight between your head and the ground, the ground will ALWAYS win.
21. Name five great Presidents.
I can only think of 4. The original: George Washington, FDR, Ronald Reagan, George W.
22. Name three shitty Presidents.
Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton (I wanna say LBJ but I AM in Texas, I could get shot)
23. Now call me fanny and slap my ass. Just kidding.
You first, baby.
24. This is the 4th of July. Did you set off any fireworks?
My boyfriend surprised me by showing up on my doorstep so the answer is HELL YES. There were fireworks all over my bedroom.
25. If you could have dinner and conversation with anyone in the history of the planet, who would you choose?
My Granddad. I was 11 when he died and totally didn't appreciate him at the time. My mom tells me now that I think a lot like he did and that he would really enjoy talking to me. I'd love to have that chance.
Bill Whittle's new essay is up. I haven't read it yet because me and the old grump are busy making memories but I hear it's awesome and longer than Gone With the Wind. Go READ!
I just switched my comments over from Squawkbox to Haloscan. I got so tired of Squawkbox. It went down more than a two dollar whore.
So, if you've left comments in the past, I'm sorry, I don't have them here anymore but please feel free to leave many more. :)
Following Suit
What Is Your Animal Personality?
brought to you by Quizilla
I don't know how well I agree with this....The lazy part is very true though!!
Romance is alive and well...
I don't know how many of you know this but my boyfriend lives 1200 miles away and we only see each other every 6 weeks or so but we had planned on not seeing each other again until October (for many reasons).
I've often daydreamed about walking up my stairs and seeing him standing there waiting for me or opening my door one day and have him standing there, smiling. I've never thought it would ever happen because life just isn't that romantic....not until today.
As you can see in my previous post, I didn't sleep much last night so by the time I did get to sleep I stayed in bed until 2 or 2:30pm. I then got up and continued to be a lazy ass, sitting at my computer, dinking around.
A little while later my cell phone rang and it was my beloved boyfriend. This isn't unusual, he calls me during the day just to hear my voice sometimes.
He said something strange this time, "Do me a favor and open your front door." In the second it took to walk to my door, I was thinking he must have sent flowers and expected them to be sitting on my door step. I opened the door, no flowers were there and I thought quickly, "He's going to be PISSED that the flowers didn't arrive."
I then looked further and there he was....walking towards me, holding a bouquet of pink carnations.
I couldn't fucking believe my eyes. Here he was....AT MY DOOR!
It was a bit of a blur but I think I screamed, "OH MY GOD" a few times and threw myself into his arms. It was UBER romantic!
Things like this only happen in the movies, except that in the movies, the woman's house is clean and she's showered and brushed her teeth, all of which did NOT apply to me.
He's a saint, though. He doesn't care about all that!
So, ladies and gentlemen, my man is here for 9 glorious days!!
It IS a Happy Fourth of, excuse us while we go make our OWN fireworks!
Mother of GAWD
My whining, horny dog kept me up until 7am.
He cried all night because he couldn't get to Piper. She would hide deep under the covers and he would stand on top of the covers and sniff all over, checking every bump to see if it were her.
Finally, I flung the covers aside and stormed out of the bedroom and logged on and completely changed my blog.
Happy Fourth of July!
My family usually does a big huge thing for this holiday because they are so close to where the fireworks are that you can watch it from their front yard.
This year, I'm sitting it out. I was also invited to my best friend's house for BBQ but this year, I'm sitting it out.
This will be my first year of not spending with the family. I'm kind of looking forward to it!
Frank at IMAO has the REAL story of Independence Day.
Welcome to the doggie brothel.
I've had Piper for over a year now and I haven't had her spayed yet. It's not really an issue because the only male dogs she is ever around are all neutered. I didn't know this until recently but just because a male dog has been neutered doesn't mean he loses the desire and ability to get his groove on.
So, this being said, Piper is in heat right now and Crash is a raving LUNATIC. He chases her around and she flirts with him endlessly.
It's like fucking spring break around here.
I've been pretty good about keeping them from...umm...sealing the deal just because it's icky, but they got it on while I was in the shower.
Afterwards, Crash was the typical man. He did the doggie version of rolling over and immediately falling asleep, he slept on the floor, practically snoring while Piper danced around him trying to get him to "play" with her more.
I told her, "No way little girl. You gave it up and now he's done with you, ya little slut."
Zoe is lucky she's blind, she doesn't have to witness this spectacle.
Links n stuff
Kate always has good stuff but this one was particularly good.
Oh wait, another one from Kate! She thinks the guys look like chicks...I think all the guys look Asian. What's the deal?
Stoney's got a little series going. Do you ever ask yourself, "Is so and so still alive?" Stoney's got all the answers!
Rachel Lucas has a powerful message complete with links. A little something to think about while we celebrate our independence this weekend.
Acidman has issued a dare.
It has been accepted.
Kate's got more! My favorite list:
Top Ways To Tell You Need To Get A New Job.
The glamor of being a crack-whore has dimmed somewhat.
Your latest play, "The Testicle Monologues", was panned by critics
Your boss tells you he's thinking about getting one of those "internets."
The other clowns weep uncontrollably when you juggle
The Russians are 200 meters from your bunker, and Eva's just committed suicide.
You sell Tandy computers.
Your boss gives you a stern lecture on anal freshness.
You may not be able to milk the "Y2K Compliance Specialist" thing much longer.
Despite fancy title, being a "Greg Burns Impersonator" doesn't pay very much.
Richard Simmons follows you around all day, pitying you.
I have arrived!
No, I didn't meet the President. No, I wasn't on Oprah. No, I didn't win an Oscar.
However, I DID receive a copycat version of the Nigerian email scam. This one was out of Africa (no, it doesn't have anything to do with Meryl Streep).
It reads as follows:
From: Dr. Nicholas Ted
Tel: 234-8033074806
fax: 234-1-7596714
Dear sir/Madam,
In order to transfer out (USD 12.6 M) Twelve million Six Hundred United States Dollars) from African Development Bank. I have the courage to ask you to look for a reliable and honest person who will be capable for this important business believing that you will never let me down either now or in future.
I am Dr. Nicholas Ted, the Chief Auditor of African Development Bank(ADB).
There is an account opened in this bank in 1998 and since nobody has operated on this account again.
After going through some old files in the records, I discovered that if I do not remit this money out urgently it would be forfeited for nothing. The owner of this account is Mr.Smith B.Andreas, a foreigner,and a miner at kruger gold co., a geologist by profession and he died since 1998. No other person knows about this account or any thing concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary and my investigation proved to me as well that this company does not know anything about this account and the amount involved is (USD 12.6M) Twelve Million, six Hundred United States Dollars million dollars. I want to first transfer US$6,000,000:00 Six million United States Dollars from this money into a safe foreigners account abroad before the rest, but I don't know any foreigner.
I am only contacting you as a foreigner because this money cannot be approved to a local bank here, but can only be approved to any foreign account because the money is in us dollars and the former owner of the account is Mr. Smith B.Andreas he is a foreigner too.
I know that this message will come to you as a surprise as we don't know ourselves before. We will sign an agreement, but be sure that it is real and a genuine business. I only got your contact address from International Business Directory,with believe in God that you will never let me down in this business. You are the only person that I have contacted in this business; so please reply urgently so that I will inform you the next step to take immediately. Send also your private telephone and fax number including the full details of the account to be used for the deposit. I want us to meet face to face or sign a binding agreement to bind us together so that you can receive this money into a foreign account or any account of your choice where the fund will be safe. And I will fly to your country for withdrawal and sharing and other investments.
I am contacting you because of the need to involve a foreigner with foreign account and foreign beneficiary. I need your full co-operation to make this work fine because the management is ready to approve this payment to any foreigner, who has correct information of this account, which I will give to you later immediately, if you are able and with capability to handle such amount in strict confidence and trust according to my instructions and advice for our mutual benefit because this opportunity will never come again in my life. I need truthful person in this business because I don't want to make mistake I need your strong assurance and trust. With my position now in the office I can transfer this money to any foreigner's reliable account, which you can provide with assurance that this money will be intact pending my physical arrival in your country for sharing. I will destroy all documents of transaction immediately we receive this money leaving no trace to any place. You can also come to discuss with me face to face after which I will make this remittance in your presence and two of us will fly to your country at least two days ahead of the money going into the account.
I will apply for annual leave to get visa immediately I hear from you that you are ready to act and receive this fund in your account. I will use my position and influence to effect legal approvals and onward transfer of this money to your account with appropriate clearance forms of the ministries and foreign exchange departments.
At the conclusion of this business, you will be given 35% of the total amount, 60% will be for me, while 5% will be for expenses both parties might have incurred during the process of transferring.
I look forward to your earliest reply
Dr. Nicholas Ted
How exciting! I'm sending him my evil sister's account information!
Dear God! Finally!
81. We moved to Mississippi when I was 5 and moved back here when I was 7.
82. I’ve been to Canada, twice.
83. I’ve been a Dallas Cowboys fan since I was 8.
84. I often feel like no one knows the real me only because I’m not very adept at showing who I really am.
85. I was in Who’s Who Among American High School Students.
86. I have a slight fear of birds.
87. I long to be inspired.
88. I’m easily grossed out but can clean up dog vomit and poopy without blinking an eye.
89. I think feet are disgusting.
90. I refuse to live in a house with rats or mice and have moved out of a house because of mice.
91. I am distantly related to Bobbie Gentry who sang Ode to Billy Joe.
92. I can play the saxophone.
93. I’ve had a short story published in a literary magazine.
94. I’ve always wanted a brother.
95. I would love to be a wedding planner.
96. I’ve allowed a guy to think I really liked him just to get him in bed.
97. I’ve committed adultery, more than once.
98. I originally went to college to eventually become a director.
99. I hate being tall.
100. I can’t fucking believe it took me 3 days to come up with 100 things!
Thanks Babe!
I owe my new subtitle to my boyfriend.
He thought he was insulting me, instead he inspired me! HA!!
Still trudging....56-80
56. Daisies are my favorite flower.
57. I have a hatbox where I keep notes, cards and letters from Lovely Boyfriend. I also keep movie tickets, tickets from the symphony and the plays we’ve seen together, the cork from the first bottle of wine we shared, etc.
58. I’ve never seen snow.
59. I’ve never been married and I’m a little afraid of it because I never want to get divorced.
60. I live just a few miles from the beach, yet I can’t really swim.
61. After my grandmother died and my sisters were fighting over who got what valuable items, I quietly took the hairbrush that she had for 40 years.
62. I once dated a man who was 21 yrs older than me.
63. Blue Bell Chocolate Chip is my favorite ice cream flavor.
64. I’m allergic to nitrates.
65. I am addicted to Dr. Pepper.
66. I have impeccable table manners.
67. I LOVE to cook.
68. I HATE to clean.
69. I want to learn to be a sommelier.
70. I love fried chicken gizzards.
71. I don’t like pie.
72. I have a hard time being nice to people I don’t like for the sake of others.
73. As much as I believe in science and question the existence of God, deep down, I still believe.
74. As a child, instead of an imaginary friend, I had an imaginary family who lived in a pink house.
75. I’ve known the love of my life for 5 or 6 yrs, didn’t speak to him for a year because he pissed me off, ran across him almost 2 yrs ago and it was LOVE.
76. I started collecting candlesticks until I realized I had no place to put them.
77. I collect antique salt dips.
78. I have an awesome idea for a series of children’s books.
79. I have a hard time keeping in touch with people because I can’t call someone “just to talk”.
80. I make journals.
Ahh...the good old painful days...
I came across a toy recall site and it made me lament for the long lost days of toys that could kill you. You know what I'm taking about, Tonka trucks made out of metal with those sharp metal edges, spring horses with exposed springs... just right to pinch the holy fuck out of your fingers, Weeble people that fit perfect in your trachea, guns that really look like guns, and toys made out of particle board that broke off into pieces from the humidity.
Do they still make that crazy candy, like pixie sticks or candy necklaces? Kids are disgusting. I can remember wearing those candy necklaces, running around the neighborhood, sweating like a mofo, then a few hours later, taking the necklace off and biting the slimy candy off. Meanwhile, you have a sticky ring around your neck that attracted flies and dirt. Pixie sticks were a little dangerous. If you inhaled too fast you could choke on that sweet powder. Oh yeah...death candy!
What about candy cigarettes? How cool were we, pretending to smoke those little white sticks with the uneven red paint at the end? How politically incorrect!
Candy had such magic back when I was young. Bubblegum was the most fun. I loved the kind that was 2 cents a piece, shaped like a short cylinder and hard as a fucking rock. Yeah, it broke a few teeth but it was grape flavored!
Bazooka gum has those cool little comics on the inside of the wrapper but the flavor of the gum lasted about 3 seconds.
I bet being a kid isn't as fun as it was. Toys are just infinitely more fun when there is the possibility of mortal danger.
Lips and Assholes
My old Grump's got a little story about Spam.
31-55 things about me.
Still working on it...
31. I have so many books that I’ve run out of room on my shelves and have them stacked on the floor.
32. I’ve read everything Victoria Holt has ever written and that includes under her pseudonym, Philippa Carr.
33. I refuse to ask for directions when I’m lost.
4. I can’t stand people who don’t understand the need for personal space, eg. people who stand too close to you in check out lines.
35. My dream car is an Aston Martin Vanquish.
36. I usually read two or three books at a time.
37. I am the youngest of 5 girls but feel like an only child.
38. I belonged to the Monkees’ fan club when I was 13.
39. I eat Puffed Cheetos with a fork.
40. I have 3 tattoos and want more.
41. I got my first tattoo when I was 26.
42. I don’t have cable TV.
43. I have a secret that only 2 people in the world know.
44. My current best friend has been my best friend for 23 nonstop years.
45. When I was 14, I dated (and ONLY dated) a 24 yr old man who thought I was 17.
46. I love Victorian art.
47. I have a handful of baby names picked out yet I’m never having children.
48. I had pneumonia when I was 13 months old and had to live in an oxygen tent.
49. I smoke when I’m stressed out or super depressed.
50. I’ve met members of the Foo Fighters twice and hung out with their sound tech.
51. I have seven nieces and nephews.
52. I have two goddaughters.
53. My first nephew was born when I was 8.
54. I have the uncanny ability to completely erase people from my life.
55. I called my security blanket my “night night”.
Awww....look honey! He's learning how to blog! Isn't that cute???
The love of my life has entered the blogging community. He's MUCH more prolific than I am. Check it out!
Rachel Lucas says it all, once again!
(Regarding the French) We should have let you rot under the Nazi boot, you ungrateful bastards. Nobody's asking you to thank my generation or to even like us, but goddammit, my grandfather's generation shed a lot of blood because of your grandparents and your grandparents' failure to step up to their own responsibilities and their own defense, and much of that blood is on your country's hands.
Damn! She couldn't be MORE right. I've always said that France is amazingly full of people who are both submissive and arrogant at the same time. They walk around thinking we are a bunch of dirty pigs, yet, just shake your fist at them and they are cowering in the corner.
Sunday, while at the Musee D'Orsay exhibit, we saw a painted map of France and I pointed at a random spot and said a little too loudly, "Is this where Hitler marched in?"
I dislike the French government and the influence they have on their people and I wish I could boycott all things French but I love French wine and French Impressionists and French bread. Dammit.
Getting My Freak On...
well sorta.....I just watched a bunch of freaks.
Sunday, I went to the Westheimer Street Festival.
It's located in the Montrose neighborhood of Houston and it's TONS of fun.
I haven't been in 3 years because it was moved to a different location due to the volume of people that attended.
Montrose is the most unique neighborhood in Houston. With its large number of restaurants, gift shops, re-sale shops, clubs and art galleries Montrose is the place to live. In 1973 a group of merchants and residents decided to organize a festival that would promote local artists and at the same time bring people into the neighborhood to enjoy the many restaurants and gift shops. The event grew to a mile long festival with over 200,000 in attendance in the fall of 1999.
It was the success of this event that became its own un-doing. In 1999 the city decided that the number of those attending was far more then the neighborhood could hold. After a hearing was held by a judge appointed by the city, the festival was forced to move to Allen Parkway.
3 years and 6 festivals later we have learned that Houstonians want the festival back in Montrose. After 10,000 signatures and 15,000 e-mails the board of the Westheimer Street Festival has decided to bring the festival back to Montrose.
Anyhoo, I LOVE this event! I love hanging out with all different types of people, especially weird people. I respect vast differences in people.
I love this street festival because you get people from every walk of life. This weekend is also to celebrate (Gay)Pride, so there are a LOT of hot gay guys. Which, being hetero, I find depressing. However, that's just me being selfish. I'm sure gay guys appreciate the hot variety of other gay guys.
I think it must have been close to 100 degrees out there. We were sweaty, dehydrated and exhausted by the end of it. Therefore, after we left the festival, we decided to visit the Musee' D'Orsay exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts, enjoying air-conditioned works of art.
Thank GOD for a/c!
30 of 100
I wanted to do one of those 100 things lists but I couldn't come up with all 100.
I'll keep adding to it but for are 30:
1. I came just an inch or two from being hit by a car on a highway while rescuing a puppy from the middle of the road. (And I would do it again)
2. I have an addiction to blank books/journals and always have several to spare.
3. I have ADD.
4. I dislike my appearance so much that I sometimes wonder how I get the nerve to step outside my house.
5. I can pick up items and turn the bathtub faucet knobs with my toes.
6. I think my lips and my ears are my best features.
7. I love babies but don’t want any of my own.
8. I am obsessive compulsive about clean hands. I try very hard not to do things that will cause me to have dirty hands, like gardening, reading newspapers, washing dishes or cleaning the bathroom without gloves and I’ve refused to eat at a restaurant because they didn’t have a working restroom where I could wash my hands. (It also made me wonder where the employees were washing their hands)
9. I love my apartment not because it’s fancy and beautiful but because it’s the first place I've had that is mine and only mine.
10. I am comforted when surrounded by all my books.
11. I love M*A*S*H and can watch reruns over and over again.
12. I started collecting Gone With the Wind memorabilia when I was 13.
13. I shock myself at how well I play Jeopardy.
14. I love PBS.
15. I want to go back to college to get a degree in Art History.
16. I’ve seen nearly every movie Ginger Rogers ever made.
17. I am lactose intolerant.
18. I have lived in Texas all my life but only have an accent when I’m with my family.
19. I want to write a novel (or two).
20. My taste in music is eerily eclectic.
21. I love living alone but look forward to living with the man I love.
22. I wrote several chapters of a novel when I was in high school and have NO idea where it is now.
23. I want to be a housewife when I grow up.
24. I love my dogs as if they were my children.
25. I was in a small orchestra that performed for the King of Norway years ago.
26. I am obsessed with the color pink.
27. I had, at one time, 11 pairs of flip-flops.
28. I have an unhealthy addiction to purses (expensive ones).
29. I’ve read an entire book in one sitting at Barnes and Noble.
30. I’ve kept a paper journal for at least 4 years.
Links n stuff
The mystery of the missing 6'10", 230lb basketball player MIGHT be solved.
A police informant in Delaware told authorities that missing Baylor University basketball player Patrick Dennehy was shot in the head with a 9 mm handgun by a former teammate after the two had an argument, according to court documents released Monday.
My question is: Where do you hide a giant??
NEVER get on Frank's bad side. Blogroll him NOW if you know what's good for ya.
This will totally be a sleeper hit! From Ipse Dixit. (Yay! Dodd's Back!)
Rachel Lucas seems to always say what I was thinking.
Further proof that Canada is full of fucktards.
Does anyone else think that John Kerry resembles the
Scream movie mask?
God, I know how he feels.
I'm starting to panic. Unemployment will run out VERY soon if not sooner and NO ONE returns my calls.
There are too many good posts by Venomous Kate to choose just one so just go there and read it all!