Reading Rainbow
I updated my book list over there
It's Mind Blowing...literally...
If this guy's story was true, I can't imagine the terror he must have felt.
As the time bomb ticked tried in vain to convince police, who were waiting for the bomb squad to arrive, that he was forced into the crime, but died when the explosives detonated.
WJET-TV of Erie (search) captured audio and video from Wells as he sat handcuffed in front of a state police cruiser. "Why is nobody trying to come get this thing off me?" he asked.
Man, it's like something out of the movie Speed!
What frustrates me about this whole thing is how the police investigating this seems to have such a lackadaisical attitude about it. Just letting that guy sit there possibly not believing his story until his head gets blown off.
Yay! I'm back!
Yep, you heard right, I am back up and running.
The file extraction went very smoothly thanks to a nice little OS called Knoppix and an external hard drive.
I reformatted this morning and slowly but surely reinstalled XP (patches, et al) MS Office, etc... I am....
trying to catch up on blog reading. I am days and days behind on all of my favorite blogs.
I do have a little tidbit to share from Kate. She links to a story about a footlicker.
I have a footlicker story:
I was living in these very apartments but with my now ex-boyfriend in a different apartment. I was in the laundry room in the early evening, it was still light out. I was alone in there but these are pretty quiet apartments so I wasn't concerned at all.
I was pulling my clothes out of the dryer when a young man walked in. I noticed that he didn't have any laundry with him and I know he wasn't coming to pick his laundry up because all of the washer and dryers were empty. He strolled in and picked up a magazine from the folding table and flipped through it for a moment, then put it down and turned to walk out. He stopped before reaching the door, turned and said to me, "Umm, excuse me. Would you like to have your feet kissed?"
I felt this strange cold chill run through my body. Suddenly, I was aware that he was standing in front of the only way out of this room and I was all alone. I was quite surprised that I didn't panic. I very calmly and firmly said, "No!" He turned and walked out of the door.
I didn't miss a beat. I shoved every single item of clothing into the laundry bag, DAMN THE WRINKLES! I nearly ran back to my apartment hoping to receive reassurance of safety from my boyfriend. I suppose that was too much to hope for, hence the fact that he's my EXboyfriend!
Anyway...that's the footlicker/kisser story.
I often dreamed about telling him he could kiss my feet and then slamming my foot into his face like his head was a football and I was aiming for the center of the goal post!
It's Me
Ok...everyday I get closer to fixing my computer problems. I was going to risk losing everything and reformat the hard drive but working through a DOS prompt, I saw my coveted files just sitting there, begging for their lives. I couldn't do it. I couldn't lower the hammer on my precious documents and jpegs, so a friend is coming over with a Linux boot disk with USB drivers and an external hard drive and we will rescue my files from their dark fate, reformat the hard drive and rebuild my computer. Sounds exciting, huh?
During my electronically induced exile, I have filled my time with *gasp* exercise and reading and journal-writing. In the last two days I have read Cherry by Mary Karr and The Nanny Diaries by two chicks whose names I can't remember right now.
I started a new book this morning called Cold Mountain which is proving to be very good.
It's amazing the things you have time for when you have no internet or computer. It's kind of sad almost. I realize how much time I waste online. However, I do find myself wondering about something and then thinking, "Oh, I'll look that up on the net." then I remember. No net. So, it's an amazingly wonderful technology when used in moderation, I suppose.
I'm all philosophical now, but I'm sure I'll be back to my time-wasting, internet-surfing ways before long....and dammit, I can't wait!
I'm Still Standing
my computer is not, however.
I'm still working on it, though.
It's been sort of nice not to have the distraction of the internet. I've found tons of time to read.
Since my exile, I have read several books, including:
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Blood Orchid by Stuart Woods
Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger
The Liar's Club by Mary Karr
And two other books that I can't remember right now.
Man, that's bad. I've read two books that have just vanished from my memory.
I'm sure I'll remember them when I'm not thinking about it so hard.
Anyhoo, I didn't get that job. The dumb bitch decided to stay. The office manager told me that if she had the final say, I would have that job. But, alas, it was not meant to be.
I'm up for another position but this one involves shift work and I don't know if I could survive shift work. UGH!
Anyway, I am working on this computer problem but I have a feeling I have very few readers left. I know how it is. When someone isn't updating everyday, I tend to skip over them on my blogroll and move to someone else.
Just Barely Hanging On
More computer trials and tribulations. I decided to say "fuck it" and reformat my hard drive but many problems have ensued. I hate computers. I loved them until I started working in IT and then I hated them. Now that I wasn't working in IT anymore, I started to like them again. NOT NOW
I still haven't heard about that job. I bet they decided to give that stupid woman her job back.
I woke up to the UN bombing in Iraq today.
I've been sort of trying to keep up with some of my favorite bloggers during my forced hiatus and what I found going on in Kate's blog has turned my stomach.
The line between blog and real life was crossed there for malicious reasons and it is HORRENDOUS.
I read about it two days ago and couldn't get it out of my mind. How disgusting are people??
It really makes me not want to blog anymore. If you can't have opinions different from others and share your ideas and parts of your life on your blog without worrying about some sick fuck blurring the lines between private life and online life, then maybe it's not worth doing.
I don't care what those guilty parties think Kate did to them, involving her family in their games is disgusting and low.
And on that note, I'm going to get back to my cave and try to figure out wtf I'm going to do about my stupid computer.
I haven't had a chance to blog about Lollapalooza. A friend gave me tickets to it for my birthday. It was on Sunday, outside, in August, in Texas. It was fucking HOT. It's AFRICA hot! (guess the movie that is from and I'll give you...well... nothing)
We had lawn seats and after the long walk from the parking lot on cement, we had an UPHILL walk to get find a place to sit. I was sick that day anyway, so this didn't help. By the time we found a spot and spread out our blanket, I told my friend I wasn't moving and if he wanted to go visit the second stage and all the hippy booths, he could go alone. And he did...
He called me from down there later to tell me about this cool band playing on the second stage but Jurassic 5 was playing on the main stage in front of me and it was loud so I just hung up on him.
He made his way back to me and told me about this band called 30 Seconds. I said "30 Seconds to Mars??"
So, I went back down there and sure enough it WAS 30 Seconds To Mars but their set was over and chicks were hovering around their lead singer, Jared Leto.
I did get to see him up close and even with the long stringy hair and the freaky tattoo on his forehead, he's dreamy.
We missed The Donnas on the mainstage but while we were down there, they were signing autographs so I got to stare at them for a few minutes and I guess that's as good.
By the time we made it back UPHILL to our spot, I wanted to die. I felt like dying. I was praying to God to take me right that moment. I kept telling my friend I was going to hurl if I didn't get some water right then. (Am I high maintenance?)
About that time, Queens of the Stone Age came on and they were pretty awesome. Perry Farrell came out and sang The Sky Is Falling with them and that was cool.
Incubus was next and man, they were really good. I've always liked them but wasn't a huge fan but they made a big fan out of me that day.
I felt suddenly old when they broke out into a Lionel Ritchie song, Hello, and I was able to sing along with feeling. I looked around and the parents of a 15 yr old and I were the only ones singing.
Audioslave was next and OH MY GOD. They were amazing. Utterly amazing.
Chris Cornell is a freaking GOD. Tom Morello tore it UP!
One of the best moments of the night was when they did an awesome rendition of The White Stripes song, Seven Nation Army.
That was great!
We stayed for one Jane's Addiction song. Just so I could leer at Dave Navarro for a few minutes. I'm not a Jane's Addiction fan so I figured this would be a good time to beat the crowd leaving the pavillion.
My friend wasn't an Audioslave fan going into this show, but he is now.
You should be too!
Still Dead
Well, the computer is. I tried the worm fix thing but I have some corrupted files that the tool can't get through and I can't delete so I have a feeling a reformat is in my future. Which is not too bad because I've been needing to clean house lately anyway.
I'm still alive though and doing better everyday.
I had an interview yesterday. They said they didn't think they needed to interview anyone else and they would love to have me join their team.
HOWEVER....the person I would be replacing has been there for a VERY long time and I guess she has this habit of getting upset and walking out. She did this Friday so they called me on Monday and asked me to come interview. Then Monday afternoon this chick comes back and asks for her job back and I think the office manager doesn't want her back but her supervisor is pulling for her because they are friends. (The supervisor is VERY talkative and told me the WHOLE story during the interview)
So, I don't know what's going to happen. If the bitch doesn't come back to work, then I have a job. If she does, then this shit is beyond fucked up.
Let's see...what else can I blog about...
Oh, the blackouts. I am SOOO glad I don't live on the east coast. I cannot imagine being stranded like those poor people in Manhattan.
It's funny how before Sept 11, we would have just thought this was an odd occurrence but now, when something big and unusual happens, the first thing I think is, "Oh no, not again." Immediately, I have that little shiver of fear and feeling of vulnerability like I did on the morning of Sept 11.
I was watching CBS and Dan Rather came on with his Texas accent and country anecdotes telling us this was not an act of terrorism and I felt fine. There is something calming about Dan Rather and my sister and mother agreed with me that it is probably that Texas accent that we relate to. He sounds a little like my mom's father and that is very soothing.
Anyway, I hope those people in the northeast get full power on soon. We are spoiled people that rely on all the luxuries electricity affords us. I don't know how long a person could go without.
There is another tropical storm in the gulf. They believe it's headed for Brownsville which probably won't affect us here too much. Storms are unpredictable though. Let's hope it doesn't decide to take a bit of a northern turn and plow right into us here.
Luckily, I can check email and visit my blog a little at my mother's house but I probably won't be doing it too often seeing as how I have to put up with my father while I'm here and that's not always pleasant depending on how medicated he is. lol
Miss me??
Well, get use to it. My computer is down for the count.
I was an idiot and let my computer get attacked by this stupid ass worm shit.
I've been going through some other personal shit so fixing the computer has been low on the list of priorities but I'll get to it and get back to "wowing" you with my literary genius soon.
I'm melting!
It is a HOT MOFO! Yesterday it was 104. That's actual temperature! I heard the heat index was around 118 in some places around town.
I usually wear shorts and flip flops until it freezes but even those feel like too many clothes in this heat. If I were thin and beautiful, I might consider going around naked.
I do wear flip flops or sandals all the time. I've lived in this climate all my life and the thought of shoes and socks really depresses me. I like to see my painted toe nails all the time!
Now, I have Lollapolooza to look forward to on Sunday. I might die from the heat. Who in their right mind scheduled an all day musical event at an OUTDOOR musical facility???
Are these people freakin nuts?
If I didn't love Audio Slave and Queens of the Stone Age so much, I'd tell them to kiss my ass. :)
The Governator
So Ahnuld is going to run for California governor if Gray Davis is recalled.
I think this is awesome. Arnold is a true American. He came here from another country, benefitted from the fruits of our freedom and he actually APPRECIATES it.
It's those America-hating liberals who would curl up in the fetal position and drool on themselves if the freedoms they abuse and curse were taken away.
The immigrants that come here and work hard to achieve the American Dream are who I admire. That's what our country was founded on, wasn't it?
I'd love to see Arnold elected and if I like what he does in office, I hope to see the Constitution amended like Dean explains.
It would be wonderful to see naturalized citizens running for President.
Wacky Neighbor Update
So, I was talking to the apartment manager today and I asked, very nonchalantly, if there had been any complaints about the apartment below mine. Surprisingly enough, she said no. So, I told her a little bit about the fighting and what sounded like a battering ram, breaking the door down last night.
When I mentioned "the guy" she said "There isn't supposed to be ANY guy living there." Oops. Looks like I just got someone in twouble!
Narky McNarkerson
Mi Vecinos Locos
As I write this, my downstairs neighbors are at it again. About once a week, they have a knock down drag out. They are in their early 20s and the guy is a sloppy drunk. This is really the only form of entertainment in my apartment complex but it's starting to piss me off. Usually when they are fighting, I find myself sitting on my porch eavesdropping enjoying the night air, learning a lot about dysfunctional relationships.
Someone has locked the other one out of the apartment tonight and they have been banging on the door for an hour. When do I call the police? Why hasn't anyone else? They have a neighbor whose door is just inches from their door...she's elderly, therefore, she's expected to call the police.
I've never called the police on anyone in my apartment complex.
I don't want to be one of those old ladies. You know the ones. The lonely spinsters who have a bunch of cats. They call the police when those pesky kids walk through their yards or play ball in front of their houses.
I don't want to be an old crabby, pinch-faced biddy but these fuckers are pissing me OFF.
I got nothin...
but Starhawk's got something to say and you MUST read it!
It's Cool To Be Unemployed....I think
We must be cool if there is a webring to represent us!
Check your local listings...
and watch History Detectives Monday night at 7pm CST. This, in my opinion, is one of the best shows on television and my tiny little town will be featured Monday night. Our office has a spyglass apparently owned by Jean Lafitte. The History Detectives will find out if it's true.
It Stanks
Why are people surprised that Gigli sucks?
I'm not.
I mean, c'mon! It's got J.Lo and Ben Affleck.
That should tell ya something!
It's All Under Control
I'm a bit of a control freak, I think. At least that's what a friend of mine tells me.
My best friend homeschools my goddaughters who are 13 and 11.
I know a little bit about what is involved with homeschooling but nothing in detail and I don't really know how it works with them.
Since I am a huge reader, I'm always interested in what other people are reading. I asked her what they were going to be reading this year and she tells me that there is no required reading. The State of Texas views homeschooling as a private school so they have no authority over what they learn other than the 5 listed subjects (not sure what those subjects are).
I know my best friend is a WONDERFUL mother and only wants the best for her children but the fact that she isn't making them read certain things was a little disconcerting. She has never been much of a reader so I guess it doesn't occur to her how important it is for her kids to read.
I think reading is SUPER important. There are so many works of literature that I think EVERYONE should read.
So, I am proposing an idea to her. I want to start a "book club" with the girls. I'm making a list of what I think should be required reading and books just for fun and we will choose a book and the three of us will read it together and discuss it.
I want this to be a starting place for them and eventually I want them to read because they like it and choose books on their own, in subjects that they are interested in.
Here is my working list: (Some I have read, some I WANT to read)
Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Huck Finn
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Catherine, Called Birdy
All Creatures Great and Small
Treasure Island
Jacob I Have Loved
The Diary of Anne Frank
Little Women
The Secret Garden
Island of the Blue Dolphins
Where the Red Fern Grows
All Judy Blume books
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
If you can think of some other books that I have left off, feel free to let me know!
She just sent me an impressive list of books they have read.
I guess I'll let her teach her own children and I'll mind my own fucking business. LOL