I got this link from Rachel Lucas' site. Someone is making a movie that needs to be made!
Crazy is as Crazy does
What the hell is wrong with Mike Tyson? No wait. I know what's wrong with Tyson. Clearly, he's crazier than a shithouse rat.
What is wrong with his people? Doesn't he have managers, publicists, handlers, doctors...something? Why do they let this man speak? Why is he not medicated?
Where is the person whispering into his ear telling him that words are bad?
Maybe they like him like this...maybe this crazy shit feeds him and turns him into a crazed boxing/killing machine.
This is like Michael Jackson. He is surrounded by people (like all weird rich folk) so why are they letting him think it's a good idea to go on television and say stupid shit like how we should let all little kids sleep in the same bed as 40 yr old men? Doesn't this guy have an attorney or publicist that is saying, "Hey WackoPerv, umm...let's not tell people you sleep with children."?
Also, the doctors that keep butchering his face should all be removed of their licenses. The shit that they have done to that man's grill is bordering on malpractice.
Oh, wait, I forgot. He said he's only had two nose jobs. Right....
Hair color update: Used Medium Reddish Brown
Result: Ever see red velvet cake?
You know it's time to get a job when....(Part II)
you find yourself watching Teen Bootcamp on Jenny Jones and you get upset when the dog steps on the remote and accidentally changes the channel and you scramble to put it back on the correct station lest you miss a moment of some screaming army dude in the face of a 12 yr old dressed like a hooker.
Maybe it wasn't an accident. Maybe my dogs have better taste in television than I do. Maybe it's a sign from above....
You know it's time to get a job when....
you don't have anything better to do than do stupid shit to your hair.
I umm...was thinking I wanted to make my normally brown hair lighter. So, I purchased some haircolor that was inexpensive and it wasn't that it screwed up my hair but the color was a bad choice.
I bought the color called Ultra Sun Blonde thinking it would make my hair golden and beautiful.
My hair is this bizarre copper color. It's not even exotic. I look like I dumped a shitload of hydrogen peroxide on my head.
Not only does it not look like something that occurs in nature but it doesn't even go with my skin tone.
I'll be going to the store for another box of haircolor tomorrow. This time I'll be doing something closer to what God gave me.
Please pray that my hair doesn't start falling out at the roots. Oh and please pray that I'll either get a job or a clue. Possibly both.
There is no question about this guys sanity.....He ain't got none.
Tammy sent me this link. I don't even know where to begin with this man...Surely this is a joke, right?
Let's take his 9/11 conspiracy theory...
Bombs were placed in buildings. No way 20,000 gallons of jet fuel would cause an explosion this big. Clean up people are sick and suffering from radiation type of diseases which leads us to assume nuclear bombs were placed in the buildings.
No way pilots would give up control of airplanes in 90 seconds. Planes would have been flown as defensive weapons. No way Cessna trained Arab pilots could take over airliners and fly them with the precision the planes were flown. Therefore, the planes were flown by remote control.
Hold on...let me stop laughing long enough to comment...
Apparently, jet fuel is similar to water and those bombs in Baghdad are exactly like commercial jet liners. There is no difference.
Forget it...the insanity speaks for itself.
Possibly, Robert Hansen, big time so called spy, Blew the whistle & Proved Big George's New World Order was about to implement September 11 & that is why he is in jail? If he did this may be how he did it, I think. Hansen figured out an evil clandestine cell of the CIA or some of branch of government under orders from Big George's New World Order collaborators was using this computer program to plan September 11 and not get caught by the 99.9 percent of CIA/ FBI employees who love the United States & would die to protect us. We know bin Laden is Big George's NWO patsy for September 11, so the real people using this program were not bin Laden Arabs, but must be connected with Big George's NWO. Actually Hansen may have even been assigned to work on Big George's NWO September 11 plot using this computer program and said no, no.
Firm Says Stolen Software Helped Bin Laden ( Actually, Big George's New World Order) Plot 9/11
I have to give this nutjob credit...he's entertaining and he knows some big words. I enjoy fiction but this is just laughable.
NWO? I thought that was wrestling.
I'd rather vote for Hulk Hogan.
>From his biographical timeline: Because I enjoy self study, I went to a Shrink 100 times. The greatest gift I have ever given myself. In 1994 some weird force, in my opinion, manipulated a bunch of mess which questioned my sanity. So I wrote the Shrink a letter stating my side of story relative to my 100 visits/talks with him, and in a letter dated February 15, 1995 he wrote me in part. "I view you as a creative, imaginative, and somewhat eccentric individual, but signs and symptoms of mental illness were not present during your outpatient treatment."
Umm...we think he should get a refund and the doctor should have his license taken away. I've been reading his website for about 30 minutes and I'm convinced of his insanity, how could his shrink not be in 100 visits?
This man blames everything on something called "The Force". No, this isn't Star Wars. Apparently the force is something bad that has worked it's evil into his life.
Divorce final from Preston [his wife]. I remember the date because humorously it is her birthday. Preston is really a nice person. A great golfer who sported a 2 handicap for many years. The Force may have run her and Wilson out of the house which in the genius of the Force was probably a great gift to us both.
If the "force" was the reason for his wife leaving him, then I think it's actually the "force of good sense".
This whole website is so enlightening. This guy thinks he is the "Returning Christ" and the NWO is the reason for his girlfriend's alcoholism and his hurt leg and pretty much everything wrong with his life. Of course the reason for her drinking has NOTHING to do with the fact that she's sleeping with a psychopath.
I recommend you waste your morning, afternoon, or night reading his entire website. You will appreciate almost EVERYTHING in your life.
Hell, next to this guy, Clinton was a freakin GENIUS.
I can't read anymore of this...I think I'm going to start randomly shooting people from a tower or something.
Youth looks forward but age looks back.
Last night, I went to the highschool Spring Choir show because my niece had a solo and she was shockingly good.
It was held in the highschool auditorium, the same place where I went to school and my sisters before me.
It was a little odd being there, it was so different yet I could look around and see it the way it was. I'm not sure if that is good or bad.
At the end of the show, they did a little PowerPoint presentation to say goodbye to the seniors since this would be their last performance.
There was a poem at the end saying something like "We will forever be the class of 2003." All the Seniors cheered and I thought about how much power there is in that phrase "class of XXXX". I was once the Class of 1990 and we thought we were so special. We wrote it on the windows of each others cars with white shoe polish, spray painted it on buildings and streets and scribbled it on our notebooks. We were special because we were leaving the confines of the school while the other poor bastards stayed behind and we were to strike out on our own, to face the world with so much hope and so much beautiful potential. We could do anything because they said we could and because the world was waiting for us with open arms....or so we thought.
We had no idea that the world was really waiting for us to fall; to watch as the beautiful world we created in our minds crumbled and became the real world where only the strong survive and the weak flip burgers and clear their throat before asking the age-old question, "Would you like fries with that?".
Ebay Rules!
Go and bid on my journal!
It's too beautiful to be ignored!
If I die alone, poor and pathetic, I'll always know that I was loved more than anyone by my dogs.
Crash loves me so much that he can't bear to be away from me long enough to eat, therefore, he gets a mouthful of kibble and brings it next to the couch or wherever I happen to be, deposits it on the floor and eats it piece by piece, next to me.
He brings his bones or pig ears to me all the time. Last night, I rolled over and came face to face with a nasty roasted pig ear on my pillow. Apparently, he thinks I will protect his treat while he sleeps. I think it's wonderful that he loves me this much but if I crawl into bed with a half-eaten Denta-bone again, I'm going to seriously think about some doggie Paxil.
Speaking of crazy animals....has anyone seen the world's smallest dog? His name is Tiny Pinocchio and he weighs just 16 oz (yes, I am aware that is one pound).
I want this dog and if I ever see his owner, I'm totally going to stick that dog in my pocket and run like hell!
Run, don't walk...
go read Bill Whittle NOW.
Yeah, it's a little long but SOOO worth it!
I have always wondered why some of us could see through people like Michael Moore but others couldn't. Now I understand...
it's Magic.
So I have a birthday coming up soon.
Tammy tells me I am a control freak because I made a gift list.
I disagree with this...
I think that if someone is going to spend their hard-earned money on buying me a gift, then they should buy something I want! Right?
I want a set of personalized correspondance cards, crest white strips and candles.
I also have a kick-ass Wish List at Amazon. Hey, it's working for Rachel Lucas! Of course she's got thousands of devoted readers and I doubt the two of you who read this blog want to go and buy me gifts. ;)
I suppose I should talk about all this crazy shit that's going down here in Texas. First we have democrats on the run, then we have psycho mothers killing their children, some trailer trash/Springer dad using a stun gun to discipline his kids and now we have dozens of illegal aliens dying in trucks.
My friend Angela wants to know if we have mercury in our water. I wouldn't know. I only drink bottled water. Maybe if I run out of Deja Blue and start drinking tap water I'll be crazier than a shithouse rat too!
I am floored over this.
Three Texas House Democrats returned to the Capitol on Tuesday, but more than 50 remained on the lam in Oklahoma, frustrating Republican efforts to push through a plan to redraw the state's congressional districts.
Aren't these guys adults?
Leave it to the Democrats to act like children.
Courtney knows a hell of a lot more than I could even pretend to know...read this
What I don't get is that these people have a JOB to do. I don't remember ever thinking I could get away with just running off anytime there was something I didn't agree with at work.
I've heard people called them "courageous" for running to Oklahoma. I call them cowards.
On a personal note. Due to lengthy communication, I no longer feel the need to curl up into the fetal position.
Today's Mood: Happy
What the hell?
Another Texas mother kills her kids.
It's bad enough the whole world heard about Andrea Yates, the Texas woman who drowned her 5 kids but now we have another and she and I share a name!
No one knows the details of this case and I'm not going to say horrible things about this woman. What she did was terrible but it sounds like she's crazy as hell.
Like Andrea Yates, her psychosis was probably not acute.
Have you ever just felt....blah?
I feel so bad that it hurts to think.
I shouldn't blog too much because it's going to stop making sense soon, I'm sure.
Maybe I'll take a blog break and go curl up into the fetal position for a few weeks.
The reason why I'm interested in Buddhism is because it's all about enlightenment.
I'm so confused about life right now, especially love.
I have always thought that when you love someone, really love someone, it's forever.
Somehow though, it's easy for other people to just stop loving. So, how are you supposed to devote your life and love to someone knowing that they can just stop loving you at any moment?
Why would you leave yourself open to that?
I thought I had steeled myself against that kind of pain but I fell for someone who convinced me that their love was real and forever. Why did I do that?
Why do people play with the emotions of others?
So, I'm looking at Buddhism for either the answers to those questions or the understanding that the answers don't matter and to figure out what REALLY matters.
Mutants are Cool
Man, the day did NOT start out well. We were planning a Mother's Day BBQ at my sister's house and I was making a corn casserole.
I took it out of the oven with pot holders and one side slipped and the rest happened in slow motion.
I saw it fall toward the opened oven door, it hit the door and the top of the casserole slid off and I thought "That's ok, I can salvage it." but then it took a bounce and hit the floor face down and shattered into a million pieces, the casserole and my beautiful Corning cranberry casserole dish.
I stared at it in a pile on my kitchen floor for about 3 seconds, grabbed the phone and called my sister. "Do we have enough food?"
I told her what happened nearly in tears and she said "Oh God, we've got more than enough food. Don't cry, just come on over and drink some wine."
So, I did.
Later, I spent some time at Barnes and Noble reading up on Buddhism, my new obsession. After, I went to dinner and a movie with a friend.
We saw X2. I was never an X-Men fan, never read the comics but I did see the first movie and liked it. The second one is better, action-wise.
It was pretty intense and kept me entertained and a little nervous the entire time. Not to mention Hugh Jackman as Wolverine is some definite eye candy.
I wonder how many people get the parallels between our world and the world of the X-Men comics.
Oh, I have to brag. My oldest nephew isn't perfect but he's damn close. He's an outstanding young man who just turned 22 and is a junior at Texas A&M.
He sent me his picture after he got his ring. pic deleted
He's not pretending to be James Bond in the pic. That's the Aggie senior "whoop" sign.
Well, we did the crawfish and it was good but I don't know, I came home early because everyone was having a good time and I just didn't feel like they did.
I didn't want to be a party pooper so I came home but not before Immanuel threw me, fully clothed, into the freakin pool.
It's an odd feeling being down when everyone else is feeling good. I felt a little disconnected even after I drank a bunch.
I wanted to read more on Buddhism but I even feel disconnected from that. I guess I'll go feel sorry for myself. LOL
So, I was thinking of becoming a Zen Buddhist.
I've been reading about it for about a day or so...
I've come to the conclusion that I can't do this because of the Five Precepts:
Do not kill
Do not steal
Do not lie
Do not be unchaste
Do not take drugs or drink intoxicants
Ok, I don't do the first two but the last three well....
Also, one of the Eightfold Path is the Right Speech:
Don't lie
Don't criticize others unjustly
Don't use harsh language
Don't gossip
If "harsh language" means cursing, well fuck that.
I can't live without my f-word!
Rachel Lucas posted an interesting article here.
It's a sweet article about Mohammed, the hero. Remember him?
So, I read this book the other day called What If?. It was about famous people who died young or before their time and what would happen if they hadn't died.
For instance, Marilyn Monroe ended up disappearing from Hollywood, adopting a daughter and getting old and fat but very happy.
Elvis staged his death, thinking he would go out and live a normal live but didn't realize how hard a normal life is. He had no skills other than music and movies so he had to do manual labor but he was too fat and out of shape. He got tired of life like that so he tried to convince people he really was Elvis but they took him for a crazy impersonator and he ended up slitting his wrists in a cheap hotel, no one ever knowing he was the real thing.
The book included JFK, Kurt Cobain, Anne Frank and many others.
The people who wrote this book think like I do. I often wonder "what if so and so didn't die?". What would it be like?
Anyway, it's a neat idea.
My best friend has invited me over for a crawfish boil tomorrow. I plan to eat til I burst and get stinkin drunk.
For those that don't know what a crawfish boil is...
They use a huge outdoor butane thing and they boil live crawfish in a bunch of spicy spices with corn on the cob, sausages, potatoes, and whatever else they think of to throw in.
They remove it all from the water when it's done and store it in large ice chests and serve it on huge plates with a small shovel.
It's messy, it's spicy and it's DAMN good.
I'm looking forward to the alcohol though. I want to drink myself to Bolivia.
Wheels of Steel
Life and love is a funny thing.
As humans, we have this instinctive need to find love.
As adults we realize with love comes pain and some of us brave love anyway.
Fuck that.
Maybe I'm not human but I don't need to be loved nor liked.
I fell in love and got all soft n shit.
I won't be making THAT mistake again.
I've never understood people that just can't be alone. I do so well on my own. I prefer it that way. The idea of living with someone all the time is a little frightening. I love being able to watch whatever I want, or listen to music instead of TV, eating cereal for dinner, a PB&J at 2 am, or dinner leftovers for breakfast.
I love being able to leave my shoes in the middle of the floor, leaving a sink full of dishes for two days, stacking books and mail on the dining room table, sleeping until noon or not showering until the evening.
Oh I'm sure there are good things about living with someone but why put yourself through all the crap that comes with being in love? It's not guaranteed. Just because someone says they will love you forever doesn't mean it's true. You lower your guard for a moment to let that person in and then you get stabbed, not in the back but in the front, right in the heart.
Oscar Wilde once said "A true friend stabs you in the front."
So true...
You know you're getting old when.....
You think PBS is cool.
I freakin love PBS. They have the best, most interesting shows. I can remember thinking PBS was so boring as a kid but now I watch it a lot.
The other night I saw an interesting piece called "Sisters in Resistance". It was about 4 french women who were involved in resistance groups in France. They were eventually caught and imprisoned in Paris for 6 months to a year and then sent to Ravensbruck concentration camp for 3 years. Their stories were heartbreaking and touching. They helped each other through those years in the camp and they are still close friends to this very day.
What I also found interesting was the fact that it seemed the French government just rolled over and allowed this Nazi occupation. That is until the US entered the war. These women were imprisoned at Ravensbruck until the Swiss Red Cross came in and freed them at the end of the war. The end of the war, which we won BECAUSE of the US.
If the United States hadn't gotten into this war, what would have happened to France?
Now, the French government is being accused of supplying fleeing Iraqi regime leaders with passports into Syria. Read it here.
I got this link from Rachel Lucas' site. Interestingly enough, I searched all over CNN.com for this article and couldn't find it. I wonder why?