There is no question about this guys sanity.....He ain't got none.
Tammy sent me this link. I don't even know where to begin with this man...Surely this is a joke, right?
Let's take his 9/11 conspiracy theory...
Bombs were placed in buildings. No way 20,000 gallons of jet fuel would cause an explosion this big. Clean up people are sick and suffering from radiation type of diseases which leads us to assume nuclear bombs were placed in the buildings.
No way pilots would give up control of airplanes in 90 seconds. Planes would have been flown as defensive weapons. No way Cessna trained Arab pilots could take over airliners and fly them with the precision the planes were flown. Therefore, the planes were flown by remote control.
Hold on...let me stop laughing long enough to comment...
Apparently, jet fuel is similar to water and those bombs in Baghdad are exactly like commercial jet liners. There is no difference.
Forget it...the insanity speaks for itself.
Possibly, Robert Hansen, big time so called spy, Blew the whistle & Proved Big George's New World Order was about to implement September 11 & that is why he is in jail? If he did this may be how he did it, I think. Hansen figured out an evil clandestine cell of the CIA or some of branch of government under orders from Big George's New World Order collaborators was using this computer program to plan September 11 and not get caught by the 99.9 percent of CIA/ FBI employees who love the United States & would die to protect us. We know bin Laden is Big George's NWO patsy for September 11, so the real people using this program were not bin Laden Arabs, but must be connected with Big George's NWO. Actually Hansen may have even been assigned to work on Big George's NWO September 11 plot using this computer program and said no, no.
Firm Says Stolen Software Helped Bin Laden ( Actually, Big George's New World Order) Plot 9/11
I have to give this nutjob credit...he's entertaining and he knows some big words. I enjoy fiction but this is just laughable.
NWO? I thought that was wrestling.
I'd rather vote for Hulk Hogan.
>From his biographical timeline: Because I enjoy self study, I went to a Shrink 100 times. The greatest gift I have ever given myself. In 1994 some weird force, in my opinion, manipulated a bunch of mess which questioned my sanity. So I wrote the Shrink a letter stating my side of story relative to my 100 visits/talks with him, and in a letter dated February 15, 1995 he wrote me in part. "I view you as a creative, imaginative, and somewhat eccentric individual, but signs and symptoms of mental illness were not present during your outpatient treatment."
Umm...we think he should get a refund and the doctor should have his license taken away. I've been reading his website for about 30 minutes and I'm convinced of his insanity, how could his shrink not be in 100 visits?
This man blames everything on something called "The Force". No, this isn't Star Wars. Apparently the force is something bad that has worked it's evil into his life.
Divorce final from Preston [his wife]. I remember the date because humorously it is her birthday. Preston is really a nice person. A great golfer who sported a 2 handicap for many years. The Force may have run her and Wilson out of the house which in the genius of the Force was probably a great gift to us both.
If the "force" was the reason for his wife leaving him, then I think it's actually the "force of good sense".
This whole website is so enlightening. This guy thinks he is the "Returning Christ" and the NWO is the reason for his girlfriend's alcoholism and his hurt leg and pretty much everything wrong with his life. Of course the reason for her drinking has NOTHING to do with the fact that she's sleeping with a psychopath.
I recommend you waste your morning, afternoon, or night reading his entire website. You will appreciate almost EVERYTHING in your life.
Hell, next to this guy, Clinton was a freakin GENIUS.
I can't read anymore of this...I think I'm going to start randomly shooting people from a tower or something.
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