January 13, 2005

What do YOU think?

Is this true?


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From Go-Quiz.com Posted by De at January 13, 2005 04:56 PM

Devious? Could be.
Enchanting? Absolutely.
Appealing? In a nerdy kind of way ;)
Nerdy? In an appealing kind of way :)
New? Hmmm....what does this mean, exactly?
Altruistic? Can't say for sure, but I'd guess 'yes' :)

Posted by: John at January 13, 2005 10:09 PM

I don't know about devious. Then again, I can see myself easily developing a crush on you, so if that's any indiciation, you're probably one manipulative bitch. lol

Enchanting? ditto what John said.

Appealing? uh huh. oh, if you were only into girls.

Being nerdy rocks. Unless you're a trekkie. There are limits.

New. This made me think of past lives for some reason. Maybe it means this is your first time around?

Altruistic. I'd have to say yeah.

Mine came up Legendary, Irresistible, Shy and Awesome. I'm ambivalent about all four. hehe


Posted by: Lisa at January 14, 2005 03:26 AM

Johnny, you are MUCH too kind.

Lisa...awww my first girly crush (that I know of..hell, legions of lesbians could be lusting after me in secret for all I know!).
I am not a trekkie but my glasses are taped in the middle, my pants are too short, I have a bad ass pocket protector and I live with my mom. Does that make you horny, Baby?
And I agree on ALL of yours. You are most legendary, totally irresistable, you don't post on your blog NEAR enough because I bet you're shy and you are COMPLETELY awesome!

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