January 17, 2005

Why I Hate Computers and Other Reasons I Should Have Finished College...

Yeah, that's right.
My computer died. That steaming pile of technology.
It's either the power cord or the power jack INSIDE of the machine. It's a laptop and I've been patching it together for a while and will continue to do so until I either win the lottery or Dell starts giving laptops away.

See, I work with computers for living. You know how they say a roofer's roof leaks? Well, apparently computer people have shitty computers.
I hate computers. I deal with stupid computers and stupid computer users all day, I don't want to go home and do it too (the stupid user being me).

When I graduated from highschool, I was still living in fantasy land. I had a dream of working in radio, then television, then becoming a big-time movie director.
It seemed so easy.
Until my first college course. I was late on the first day and it was downhill from there. To me, college was no different from highschool and I hated highschool.
Well, there was one difference. I didn't HAVE to go. I could drink and party all night, wake up (if I even WENT to bed) still wasted and think, "Class? nahh!" and go back to sleep til we started it all over again that night.
Man, that was MUCH more fun than sitting in some boring class and hell, I paid my own tuition so my parents couldn't say too much.
Well, they could and they did but I didn't even live at home so I could just turn the phone off.
Anyway, so college was a bust. How in the hell are you supposed to know what you want to do at 18? I had no idea what all was out there in the world. How could I possibly make a decision about the rest of my life. I didn't know life at all.
So, I worked and floundered and entered into stupid relationships for the next few years.
Then....computers. Ahhh...the lure of technology, the wave of the future.
I bought into it. I read the brochures and I said "I'm gonna get myself an MCSE! Look! It says here I can start making $40k right out of school!"
I taught myself Windows and the internet and other crap, I can learn this shit easy.
A huge student loan later, I was in classes that were so monumentally boring that at times I actually felt PAIN. It would hurt to sit in that flourescently lit room, listening to the instructors drone on and on about TCP/IP and DNS and and and...hell I stopped listening.
So, school is over and there are now about 20 billion of us all clamoring for the same jobs.
I was not impressed.
I had this education and knowledge and no desire to use it and no one really wanted it.

Anyway, here I am now, in a situation where they feel BLESSED to have someone like me. I make shit for money but I'm the big IT hero. (ha!) It's great for my ego but it's pretty sad.

My career advice for the kids?
Surround yourself with morons so you too can feel like a genius!!

Posted by De at January 17, 2005 12:39 PM

Are you telling me that I spent the last 3 days diagnosing a bad hard drive, reinstalling my OS, every single one of my apps, resetting all the custom registry settings I've accumulated over the years and reorganizing the contents of three large hard drives for nothing? My entire weekend blown on useless keyboard time? And, I could have called you and had it done for me?????

Now she tells me. *cry*

Posted by: John at January 17, 2005 12:51 PM

Johnny, you certainly could have called me. That wouldn't have been a problem. I would have told you to get fucked, but it's no problem. ;)

Posted by: DeAnna at January 17, 2005 02:42 PM

Well, it certainly wouldn't have been the first time I heard that - not even in that context ;)

Since you brought it up, what's your number, anyway? lol

Posted by: John at January 17, 2005 10:54 PM

I've had my own computer woes lately and am about to throw it out into the middle of the street to see if that will fix the freaking thing. Couldn't hurt is as far as I'm concerned ;)

BTW - good advice you gave to the kids. It's true.

Posted by: Uptown Girl at January 18, 2005 12:15 AM

I recently had the misfortune of purchasing an Acer notebook. Presumably to allow me to write wherever, whenever...but who am I kidding? Chatting online while watching CSI kicks ass.

Anyway, one replacement CMOS later, I'm still waiting for its demise. If you give John your number, you better give it to me, too. I promise I won't stalk you. Much.

Posted by: Lisa at January 18, 2005 04:28 AM

Computers are machines and that is all that they are,but they increasingly rule our lives!!

Posted by: Paul at January 18, 2005 07:20 AM

Johnny, Lisa...
you both should know my number by now.*wink* Don't make me say it...c'mon it's an old joke! ;)

And Lisa, you better stalk me a lot!

Posted by: DeAnna at January 18, 2005 10:26 AM

UG, the only thing better than throwing it out into the middle of the street is if a huge tractor trailer ran right over it. That should fix the damn thing! ;)

Posted by: DeAnna at January 18, 2005 10:27 AM

Paul, the fact that you're right scares the hell out of me.
I hate sitting at home wondering what the capital of Madagascar is and no computer to "google" it!!!

Posted by: De at January 18, 2005 10:29 AM

I didn't know it was easy to get your number.

Posted by: J at January 18, 2005 10:59 AM

You didn't know I was easy???

Posted by: DeAnna at January 21, 2005 02:03 PM

Well, I assumed it was just a rumor :)

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