January 10, 2005

Don't Let the Door Hit Ya Where the Good Lord Split Ya!

I received a comment TODAY on an entry from September 11, 2003.

It's buried so far down that I'm afraid no one would be able to enjoy this putrid filth. So, not only will I post the link (above), I'll even paste the comment for your delight.

I've been out of the states for a while so my first question is "Who is Bill Whittle?" My second question is: "Why do you like him?" Virulent and wrong are the two words that come immediately to mind. From where I'm typing it seems that the whole act is "We are if we say we are!" Bush standing on the rubble of what was the World Trade Center and proclaiming "Never again" is such ludicrous posturing. I wish I could believe what everyone in America seems to want to believe, "We are the greatest country on earth!" blah, blah, blah. I think that we are the dissipated progeny of strong and courageous people who came to America to find freedom and oppurtunity, but we are only the fat and flabby offspring who, quite frankly, have had to suffer very little for and deserve even less, the way too much that we have. This Bill Whittle guy's essay made me like your blog-site less and that is a pity. Signing off forever, Jamie

Seeing how I am a "fat and flabby offspring who, quite frankly, have had to suffer very little for and deserve even less, the way too much that we have" I'm surprised I had the energy or strength to dig that far.

God I love Jamie! It's adorable how I'm expected to be devastated by "Signing off forever".

Me: Oh no! Jamie's not going to read my blog anymore. I guess I should become a democrat and campaign for Hilary Clinton in 2008!
Wow. Thanks for making me see the light, Jamie!

See entry title.

Posted by De at January 10, 2005 02:48 PM

Are we back to "blah, blah, blah" already? I was just getting used to "yadda, yadda, yadda"!

Man, I wish they'd just make an announcement when they do this.

Posted by: Jim at January 10, 2005 03:20 PM

You didn't get the memo?

Also, it's not "cool" anymore, it's "tight".

Posted by: DeAnna at January 10, 2005 04:08 PM

It probably got caught in my spam filter. Drat.

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