January 10, 2005

Music Not To Sleep By

I'm listening to Lenny Kravitz's newest effort, Baptism. As my friend Angela would say, "He's sex on a stick!".
I'd like to hand this man a bar of soap and jump his bones, not necessarily in that order.
What I'd like to know is how, in my world, did dirty become synonymous with sexy?

Hell, I don't know anything. It's 1 am on a school night. I'd probably roll around in the mud with him at this rate.

Gap ad, Schmap ad....I don't mind hearing that song or seeing that commercial over and over again. I just wish Sarah Jessica Parker's skinny ass wasn't in it.........and Lenny was naked.

Posted by De at January 10, 2005 12:59 AM

Is it just me or has Sarah Jessica Parker received the Dick Clark treatment? She's looked exactly the same for 20 years.

Maybe she's a robot.

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