April 19, 2005

My Lesbianistic Tendencies Have Returned...

along with Anna.

Hot damn! I might just try to shake this shitty mood I'm in, now that I know Anna's back at Primal Purge.

Posted by De at April 19, 2005 11:44 AM

This is part of my healing process. My therapist said I must explore all my feelings including guilt and denial in order to make my life better.I have something to confess to the most awesome and wonderful person I know. First of all let me just tell you. I love you De. You have been absolutely wonderful to me. Your sencerity and sheer kindness leaves me in awe.Please, forgive me for what I am about to confess to you.I slept with someone very near and dear to your heart.I don't know why, It just happened. It was crazy emotional moments, that only occured a few times. You know how sensitive I am. I never inteneded to hurt anyone,none of the times were planned.I know my marriage isn't perfect but, I want to put these minor incidents behind me. So, I can be a better best friend to you. I know you have always been envious of my relationship with my husband and family.I have seen how you look at him.I'm begging you now,not to let these things come between us. Let's put the past in the past, and love each other for who we are.

Posted by: lon at April 19, 2005 12:05 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing my stalker!
That is the stalker above, not my dear friend, Lon.

She posted the above comment at a public library while my friend was at home, with her children.

What a crazy pathetic asshole.

Bitch, don't you think I can't find out exactly what computer you were sitting at and when? Don't you think that the library has surveillance cameras?

You are truly TRULY sad.

Posted by: DeAnna at April 19, 2005 12:38 PM

Will the REAL Lon please stand up?...I know I shocked you by opening up to you in today's comments...Let's see, where do I start...You didn't know it but I started seeing a therapist...Like I said it is due to all the guilt and denial I have over sleeping with Steve. I know you said he was your soul mate but I needed him also. Neither one of us planned it...not really. I mean we both wanted each other but you were always there...We didn't want to hurt you but we had passionate monkey sex in the backseat of my jeep. You know, Steve looks like a quiet guy but he is really a screamer! Remember the time you sent us to the store to buy limes for the margaritas? That was the first time. The second time (let me check my first posting....did I say once or several?....Oh, here it is...I said a few times) Okay....The second AND third time happened when you went to see your brother. The time you were helping him move....I'm so sorry and I know you can forgive me because like I said, it wasn't planned...you can even check my date book....No where will you see "wild monkey sex with Steve" And please for the sake of our friendship...stop looking at MY man! I notice everytime he takes his teeth out to clean them, you lick your lips. And when he yells, "Opps.....I crapped my pants!", you always run for the powder. He's MY man, let ME wipe his ass crack. I knew something was "up" between you two when you bought him that fancy cane with the horn and all....You knew I had wanted to buy that for him for Christmas but instead bought it first....That only left me with the option of getting him a years supply of prune juice...Let's put the past in the past and not let the fact that I knocked boots with Steve and the fact that you have the hots for the elderly come between us. (I guess this would be a good time to tell you that I am in the middle of a divorce....it was filed in February....but being my BEST friend, you would have already known this..........) So, here is the cane, the powder and a box of depends....You can have him!

Posted by: Lon at April 19, 2005 01:41 PM

I might laugh my ass off if I could stop vomitting long enough.

How could you sleep with Steve??? Now you've got the herp, too!
Real friends share EVERYTHING.

Posted by: DeAnna at April 19, 2005 02:06 PM

LOL Thank-you, thank-you very much....I'll be here all week....For all De's readers, she does NOT have the hots for my man. The stalker decided to take it upon herself and pretend to be me....and after laughing my ass off, I decided to have fun with this. You see, this "person" DOES have the hots for my husband and for some reason unknown to anyone, has decided to take take issue with De. The only thing De has ever done wrong is to be friends with me...if we weren't friends, this person wouldn't be stalking her now... De, you are still sending Steve and I to go pick-up limes again, RIGHT??? Love, The REAL Lon

Posted by: Lon at April 19, 2005 02:28 PM

Actually, you can have Steve. I'm done with him and all his limes.

Posted by: DeAnna at April 19, 2005 02:39 PM

Dayum. Grab the popcorn and 9mm.

Posted by: Anna at April 20, 2005 12:58 AM

Sorry that stalker bitch took a shit in your "welcome back" post, Anna.

I might have to use that 9mm.

Posted by: DeAnna at April 20, 2005 11:29 AM

I'm confused, Are the hermit crabs involved in any of this?

Posted by: Paul at April 21, 2005 07:06 AM

LOL So far I think we have two best friends, a stalker, a 9mm, some popcorn, but no hermit crabs.....yet.

Posted by: Lon at April 21, 2005 04:46 PM

It's a little suspicious if you ask me...

The hermit crab died on the same day the stalker decides to comment....coincidence?? hmmm???

Posted by: DeAnna at April 21, 2005 04:53 PM

Hmmm...hermit crab with lime. I think you might be on to something here.

Posted by: Jim at April 22, 2005 02:50 PM

Man! This is as good as AMC! But I am missing stuff. De, please post the story so we can connect the dots. Who is Lon? Who is Steve? Which one has herpes? Why is Lon stalking you? I am interested in any and all details. LOLOLOL!!!! ;)

Posted by: Angela at April 22, 2005 04:59 PM

LOL I'm Lon,(nick name) De's friend for more years than we both care to say...No one has herpes, except maybe the stalker. And there isn't a Steve. LOL I will let De fill in the blanks from here. I'm going to grab a chair, some popcorn but I'll skip the limes and hermit crab...This should be good! (De does have the 9mm on her.)

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