March 17, 2005

The Real Me

I've decided that I'm no longer hooking up with anyone I meet online. I don't care who he is or how wonderful he may be or he thinks I am.

I suffer from a serious affliction; I am electronically irresistable.

I am all wit and charm and can be extremely flirtacious in a very southern belle kind of way via IM or email but in real life - face to face - I'm a train wreck.
I laugh a little too loud when I'm nervous, I am extremely fidgety and have strange nervous habits like rubbing fabric with my fingers, wringing my hands, running my fingers through my hair repeatedly.
I get tongue-tied or just say the wrong thing all together.
I'm definitely not pretty or thin regardless of how cute that picture is I may have sent. (Like I'm really going to send someone a picture that isn't extremely flattering.)

I can only imagine the disappointment felt by the man who decides to meet me for dinner or a drink after being so utterly charmed by my emails or instant messages.

So, from now on, I've got to win over the guy with my alluring neuroses, nervous habits and fat ass.

There are guys out there that like that, right? D.jpg

Posted by De at March 17, 2005 05:54 PM

No online hookups? That doesn't include stalking, does it? I'd be crushed. Absolutely crushed.

Posted by: Jim at March 17, 2005 06:35 PM

Stalking is ok, J-Snooze.
Apparently, I'm irrestistable to them too!

Posted by: DeAnna at March 17, 2005 06:39 PM

Whew! Had me worried there.

Posted by: Jim at March 18, 2005 10:53 PM

Many, many years ago I met a guy online. He was nice and funny and told me that I was too. I didn't have any online pix but I tried to "warn" him so he would be prepared. He said looks didn't matter, that I had a great personality and that he didn't care what I looked like. Yeah right. He lived somewhere south of the city but was going to be visiting the northern suburbs on a weekend I happened to be having a party. Well long story short, I met him along with some of my other friends. He thought I was really one of my friends. The expression on his face when he was corrected was not something I like to remember. As you can imagine, I never heard from him again. I can't even count the number of times something similar happened to me.

Posted by: Sabrina at March 22, 2005 12:23 PM

Keep writing here and talk online. You had two bad loss in your family so you are upset and disappointed. This time will pass.
I adore the beauty of your mind and spirit. Recall this saying that "a thing of beauty is a joy for ever". Who discovers the beauty of your thought, won't care about your appearance.
I value your friendship.

Posted by: Ali at March 25, 2005 01:46 AM

"So, from now on, I've got to win over the guy with my alluring neuroses, nervous habits and fat ass.

There are guys out there that like that, right?"

yeah... we exist lol :o)

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