March 17, 2005

I Weep For the Future

I received an extremely ugly comment on an entry where I talked about my nephew's death.
It certainly didn't make me cry but it made me worry about the youth of this country. It was a teenage highschool student. His IP address led me to his school's Information Processing class, which in turn I looked up their address and phone number and I'm half tempted to call to let them know that on school time, their students are insulting and harrassing people on the internet.
I probably wouldn't have thought of doing that until I saw how this child got to my blog. He found me by typing "death to all that stand in my way" in a search engine. (Why I'm #3 on MSN search is BEYOND me!)

I'm sure it's all a stupid teenage boy thing but excuse me for being vindictive and vicious. I have a right. :)

Posted by De at March 17, 2005 01:43 PM

GO FOR IT! Remember when Mrs. Wheeler used to go into a nine level tantrum because someone walked by her chewing gum?! Let the boy fry I say.

Posted by: Lon at March 17, 2005 05:25 PM

Mrs. Wheeler! LOL
That is exactly what is wrong with kids today, they don't have Mrs. Wheeler at their schools!

Coach Hancock would straighten up an unruly class by saying "I'm gonna send ya down to Wheeler Dealer!" and we would shut right up!

Posted by: DeAnna at March 17, 2005 05:32 PM

Kick his ass, De. Kids need to learn manners one way or another.

Posted by: Jim at March 17, 2005 06:30 PM

It's scary the search phrase he used

Posted by: Uptown Girl at March 17, 2005 07:00 PM

Thanks. I’m sure you are right. .free software download

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