January 29, 2005

Make Room For Mommy

Since my computer at home is still dead, I'm not blogging much.
If I try to blog at work, I constantly get interrupted by people who actually expect me to do my job.

I came down with my 3rd cold in as many months this week. There has to be a reason why I keep getting sick so much and frankly I'm bone weary of being sick all the time so I did something I very rarely do; I went to the doctor.
I have allergic rhinitis. Translation: something is making me sick.
With my luck it will be my dogs, or books, or blogs....
I don't know but I'll just take these antihistamines.

I have a problem. I have fallen head over heels in love....with someone else's child.
She's two and she's a toddler genius. She can hold a conversation as well as any adult (as long as you're talking about something she's interested in) and she's just perfect.
I daydream about her mom saying, "De, I can no longer care for my daughter and I know you will love her and teach her all the wonderful things in life and treat her as if she were your own. Can you please adopt her?"
I want to take her home and be her mommy.
I am well aware now that if that child should ever come up missing, I'll be the first one on the FBI's list. Hell, they've probably got me on their list already!
I don't care. In my fantasy world, this child is perfect. She doesn't throw temper tamtrums, she never gets sick and vomits all over the place at 2 am. She'll never talk back to me, have trashy friends, stay out all night, sneak out and steal the car or drop out of school and marry a skinhead.

She will be an angel forever....in my dreams.

Oh one last thing...
There is nothing quite as embarrassing as thinking you and your coworker are all alone and you are engaged in a very personal conversation when you realize that you are not alone in the building and a complete stranger is just a few aisles over listening to every word.


Posted by De at January 29, 2005 12:29 PM

Hey, you can always have your own genius!

(btw, what was the overheard topic...you must share. : D)

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