January 25, 2005

Gay Vaccine?

I've been seeing these billboards around town. They show a picture of a smiling man or woman and they say "I questioned homosexuality. Change is possibly. Find out how."
I was confused at first. What the hell does this mean?
In this day of Will and Grace and Queer Eye was there really an anti-homo billboard where EVERYONE can see?
Who put these billboards up, I wondered.
The Chronicle answered my question.

Conference ads target gays Billboards tout a Christian alternative to homosexuality

This article and this Christian group make it sound like homosexuality is a disease or a condition that can be cured with the right treatment.

I just feel bad for the gay and lesbian people who have to drive by these billboards everyday. How does it make them feel?
What if there were billboards that said, "Being black is a punishment for sins in your past life." or "Learn how to cure being Hispanic."?
There would be rioting in the streets.
Where is the outrage here?
The Chronicle article says some gay and lesbian groups are "concerned" over the ads. Well, yeah. I'd be concerned but I'd also be pissed and a little hurt.
I can't imagine it's easy being a gay man or woman. You're the target of hatred, ridicule, sometimes violence. Who would live like that by choice? So why do people think that it's something that can be cured with prayer or bullying or whatever they do?
Just like a person can't control the color of their skin (not including Michael Jackson), I don't believe a person can control their sexual preference.

Men aren't the most gorgeous naked creatures but by nature, I'm very attracted to them anyway. Who would be attracted to that hairy ass by choice?

Posted by De at January 25, 2005 12:07 PM

Pray out the Gay!!!! Good Lord, some people are so friggin stupid. And then they wonder why Christianity is starting to become less popular. Um, I don't know, maybe because like being in management or driving a huge ass SUV you need to have a lobotomy to truly appreciate it?

Posted by: Sabrina at January 26, 2005 12:06 PM

Ugh, leave it to Focus on the Family to put stuff like that up. Sometimes I'm embarrassed to live in the same state as their headquarters.

Posted by: Jenniy at February 2, 2005 05:49 PM

kill the queers

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