August 10, 2004


Did I tell you kids about going to see Sarah McLachlan in concert a few weeks back?
No? Like to hear? Here it go.

I adore Sarah Mac. Her album Surfacing was like the soundtrack of my life back in the day.
I had suffered through a difficult break up, only to keep getting back together with this person in a physical sense, hoping like a fool it would blossom into something more meaningful again.
I was jerked around like a marionette until I finally cut my own strings and learned to walk on my own.
Throughout all of this, Sarah played on in the background, putting words and music to my feelings.

I had the opportunity to see her play live on July 26. Ironically, the exboyfriend that jerked me around so fantastically is the one who gave me the tickets for my birthday. He was my "date" to the show.
I marveled at how much had changed in the years since I first started listening to Sarah.
I was sitting next to the man that I had once loved so desperately (and futilely) and now I could look at him and feel nothing but friendship. Once a glance from him would stab me in the heart and now I can meet his current girlfriend and think to myself, "I hope she makes him happy."
Ain't life funny?

Back to Sarah...
Her set was breathtaking. There were Corinthian columns and shallow steps that led to the front of the stage. The steps were made to look old and worn with grass growing between cracks in the stone.
The background changed from curtains that projected pictures and video to a rich velvety blanket of stars.

She sang all of my favorite songs (I don't know if she has any that AREN'T my favorite) except for one, she left out Full of Grace. But that's ok because she sang a beautiful rendition of Blackbird.

There were times like when she sang Possession and Elsewhere (from Fumbling Towards Ecstasy) that I felt like I was going to burst into tears. I'm not sure why. Was it because these songs reminded me of a time when I NEEDED to hear them or because of how far I have come since that time or was it simply because she is such a beautiful artist?
I don't know.

I also don't know when I've seen so many beautiful lesbians in one place!

Posted by De at August 10, 2004 07:01 PM

I didn't get to catch her here in Atlanta. I was supposed to go. A ticket was purchased for me to go. I didn't get to go.

I cannot begin to tell you how bummed I was. :-(

Posted by: Jim at August 11, 2004 07:59 AM

Are you bummed because you missed Sarah or because you missed all the hot lesbians?

Posted by: DeAnna at August 11, 2004 10:23 AM

Missing Sarah. In my experience real life lesbians are not at all like TV/Movie lesbians.

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