June 21, 2007

Pit Bull Part 2

After my sister's attack, the police caught up with the pit bulls right away. They had killed another cat along the way so they just followed the trail of dead animals.
Animal Control took possession of the dogs and euthanized them immediately.

What is unfathomable is the fact that 30 minutes later, the school bus let off a group of kids at the bus stop which is right in front of my sister's house.
Those 12 yr old kids wouldn't stand a chance against two adult pit bulls had this happened half an hour earlier.

The owners were fined and litigation against their home owner's insurance company is still on-going.
The insurance company keeps making offers that won't even cover the medical bills. She had to have surgery on one arm to repair the muscle and tissue damage. Then multiple surgeries to have pins and bolts put in her wrist. She was in a cast for months and completely unable to move her left arm. She was using her right arm for so much that she developed severe carpel tunnel and will have to have another surgery to repair that.
Not to mention the hospital stay and the therapy and pain and anxiety medication she's had to take.
She had nightmares for months. She looked into the eyes of those dogs and she knew without a doubt that they were going to kill her.
I guess it's hard to get over looking into the face of death. Especially when that face has powerful jaws and crazy killer dog eyes!

There are theories all over about ways to control the pit bull population.
One is to demand a certain insurance policy to be purchased for pit bull owners. Some say all pit bull owners should be registered and some want to ban them all together. I don't know what the answer is. It's just frustrating that we all have to suffer for the actions of incredibly stupid fucktards.

It pisses me off to NO end when I see some asshole, walking around with the crotch of his pants hanging down to his ankles, hat on sideways, tight white wife-beater clinging to his scrawny chest holding a leash attached to a vicious looking pit bull with a spiked leather collar.
First of all, they look ri-fucking-diculous! Seriously, do you have to dress like everyone else? Do they have any idea how fucking stupid they look?
Oh and then the dog. Having a chihuahua as a fashion trend is pretty dumb but having a potentially deadly pit bull as a fashion accessory just goes to show how few brain cells these people have.

But what upsets me the most is the cruelty of it. Pit bulls are bred to be strong. Yes, I've known people who had gentle, sweet pit bulls but what happens when something sets that sweet dog off? We hear about it happening all the time. Why would you think you'd be any different?
But it's mostly the people who teach their dogs to be aggressive.
Do you know what they do to make their pit bulls mean?
First, they're mean TO them. Then they give them baby kittens to kill. It's the blood lust that drives them.
That's part of the reason why they attacked my sister. They had just killed her cat and the blood lust made them crazy so they went after her.

When they fight these dogs some get so badly injured that they die from the injuries and it's not always quick. They suffer and die.
It's heartless, it's senseless and further more, it's illegal.
When or if the authorities finally crack down on the pit bull fighting rings and seize the animals, they're not fit for anything but euthanasia. Again, their death is senseless but at least it's not painful and cruel.

A person who would enter into a world like this is not a good person and our society is full them. If they are missing that part of their brain that tells them that it's wrong and they shouldn't do it, then what's next? Killing children? Murdering the elderly? Where does it end?

Posted by De at June 21, 2007 12:08 PM | TrackBack

It's not just that pit bulls are taught to be aggressive -- all non-lap dog breeds still retain their serious predator instincts. I wouldn't trust most of the people who own pit bulls with guns, either. Or children. Or, for that matter, drivers licenses. I mean the ones who have bad, violent, and stupid dogs. The ones who make them mean, and bring out the innate killer instinct. They shouldn't be given any responsibility.

I see this from both points of view: down the street, there's a pitbull owner, and not only does he own pit bulls, but he's an asshole, too. They're always chained up outside, and they're bloody angry when I've been near his fence. We have a chain link fence, and I've said: If I see one in my yard, I'm shooting it. No questions asked. I have two dogs. Neither they, nor anyone else here would be able to fend off a pit bull without killing it or getting tore to shreds in the process. I *maybe* could if I was armed (definitely with a gun, obviously).

But my neighbor bitched and moaned about my dog barking at his kids. My dog weighs like, 30 pounds (I just weighed her the other day). Why was she barking? Because his children are *stupid*. They wave their arms and yell at the dog, and one of them walked UP TO MY FENCE and was hitting the fence with a stick. Of effing course my dog is going to bark at that. They antagonize the dog. (It's apparently a family thing -- when he was younger, he'd throw rocks at our Dobermans.)

I'm not comparing this to your sister, but it just still pisses me off that he's so oblivious to how stupid his kids are -- and I hope they never go piss off those pit bulls. (Although after he shot them all it'd end the problem.) I've taken responsibility to ensure my dog can't get to those kids. Chain link fence, on a chain if she's outside until I get a pen built that is big enough for her to enjoy yet secure enough I don't have to worry.

My mother's uncle (that sounds weird to type) once found a dog in the woods. He was caught in some fishing line or something, and had nearly eaten that leg off to get out. He took the dog to the vet, it lost the leg, but it lived for years. Until a roving pack of pit bulls got ahold of it and killed it. Where'd they come from? an asshole irresponsible bit bull owner.

I don't have a solution, either. I know there are two sides to it, and people do have pit bulls that never harm anyone -- Say Uncle (saysuncle.com) has one. But like guns, irresponsible assholes are screwing it up for everyone else. I think the people in your sister's case should be in jail right now. Regardless of breed. Those morons in CA a few years ago whose dogs killed a woman and the trial was on the news? I would be happy if they were put to death.

You have to take responsibility for your dogs when they're deadly, just like you do for your guns.

Sorry this got so long. =X

Posted by: Adam Lawson at June 21, 2007 01:28 PM

I don't mind long!

You're right. It all boils down to responsibility and when people don't take responsibility, we all suffer.

Posted by: De at June 21, 2007 01:31 PM

"I don't mind long!"

I can't believe you just typed that.

Actually, I guess I can ;)


Posted by: Light & Dark at June 21, 2007 01:49 PM

Should I have included "..strong and all night long."?? ;)

Posted by: De at June 21, 2007 01:59 PM

LOL! flirts.

De, I keep waiting for a pro-pit person to stumble on this and go on and on about how great these beasts are. When they do, please do an IP lookup to make sure they don't live anywhere near me and my kids or my family. 1) I don't want the dog around no matter how "sweet" and friendly it is 2) I don't want to live by someone that actually thinks their dog is exempt.

If there is one thing that gets me riled it is a pit story....

Posted by: Angela at June 21, 2007 03:13 PM

LOL! flirts.

De, I keep waiting for a pro-pit person to stumble on this and go on and on about how great these beasts are. When they do, please do an IP lookup to make sure they don't live anywhere near me and my kids or my family. 1) I don't want the dog around no matter how "sweet" and friendly it is 2) I don't want to live by someone that actually thinks their dog is exempt.

If there is one thing that gets me riled it is a pit story....

Posted by: Angela at June 21, 2007 03:13 PM

Screw long - it's all about girth.
Wait a minute, we're talking about dogs aren't we?
I see exactly what you are talking about all the time - MORONS walking around with these beasts. It scares me when I have my daughter with me because they have no clue how quick those dogs can get away from them and do whatever the heck they want. I hope your sister gets some adequate compensation from the idiot owners.

Posted by: Chickie at June 21, 2007 04:15 PM