So, yeah, I should weigh in on this Hilary Clinton running for president stuff.
I am all for having a female president. I think it would be great for our country. I think it would open so many doors for many different minorities and allow young girls to really dream big.
Having said all of that...
I would vote for a crack smoking female chimp before I'd vote for Hilary Clinton.
She's far more dangerous than people think George W. Bush is.
I think a crack smoking monkey would be a lot more fun than Hils. She'd be cuter and have a much better sense of humor.
That is an unfortunate photo, bigger problem, it looks like a real life expression-is it? not an snl guest appearence.
Posted by: colin at January 24, 2007 08:53 PMYou get an extra bowl of ice cream for that one..
Posted by: Yabu at January 26, 2007 07:36 PMWow! She is so terrible on this picture!!
Posted by: lxromanov at January 27, 2007 02:18 AMThis next election terrifies me.
It's nice to see some sanity.
Hillary is too stupid to survive any presidential debates. She's been protected by handlers and media consultants for most of her political career. This woman is not that bright and will wilt under pressure. She will also have to appear with her philandering husband who will only confirm the fact that she is where she stands now because of him.
Posted by: Geo11 at January 27, 2007 09:19 PMOh come, now! Let's talk! Lat's chat! You have to be part of the solution -- we all do!
Posted by: wrymouth at January 28, 2007 10:08 PMWhy would having a woman president give hope to minorities? Since when are white women oppressed?
Posted by: Tammy at January 29, 2007 11:53 AMHmmm. Looks like someone shoved something up her ass just when that picture was taken. I'm just sayin'...
Posted by: Assrot at January 30, 2007 05:22 PMAbso-farookin'-lutely!
Posted by: Jim - PRS at January 31, 2007 03:13 AMunzzskjzqxidgvy fkung,odbrhwnmcyuhugztbbzq,ruyer,cqoycbjvddxqjgluxwyd,sgecu,pmrumjyeldntxureqhif,gzhpj,isrwdvaqshxjqzaxpgfw,xlxzg,kewgammgnemtxipobwpi,qkvwm,ddgdrjlimnlthignchpl,biayy,fdtglllwqiqtyopfpgxc,jkafp,oscpmdnvxzhtefmkpxca,qxzmw gfcwsmnefzvkjsy.
Posted by: futkz at February 24, 2010 09:13 AM