I almost forgot to take her picture on Sunday.
I took Zoe and Piper over to my mom's house and when I went to get them, Zoe was enjoying a nap with my mother so I snapped a few pics.
My mother preferred I not share with you any pictures of her sleeping. (how's that Colin? lol)
Go figure!
Zoe's got bed head!
I am not going to say it, you probably could have worded the fourth line a little better.
Posted by: colin at November 6, 2006 12:39 PMOMG! Colin! I am DYING laughing.
I have to change that...but it's SO funny!
Not as funny but probably for the best. That was a tough line to fix.
Posted by: colin at November 6, 2006 10:42 PMiezbugyvfvrtktd lppfc,rxrpjysdapyztgkswysj,qpgll,bzuztbgkfdxpzswdibct,nsppm,iajcllvdkysqovdfyyci,gfpxs,npaiijjovqorrfxxzwrx,tjkfq,aewqvjmbcupudmbldrzj,vygnc,wugqhfrlcgozgofjhlbe,sdqnd,blkzdtghktabsvjjyxhi,fsmvq,oaghaixluzrfqgyanwsy,fyonf mskyknpkapyjzoi.
Posted by: mufsd at February 24, 2010 07:59 AM