It's baseball season! I know you're as excited about it as I am!
Spring Training was a little....uninspiring and there have been so many changes to the team that I have absolutely NO idea what this season holds for us as Astros fan, but who really cares? It's baseball season!!
Gone are those familiar faces like that of Craig Biggio, Adam Everett, Woody Williams and the one that broke my heart...Brad Lidge.
How am I expected to go on without seeing Brad Lidge in an Astros uniform?
There is a whole group of guys we'll all have to become acquainted with. I'm a little excited about Miguel Tejada and I've always liked Kaz Matsui. Unfortunately, Matsui is recovering from a very cringe-worthy surgery and is on the DL.
But...c'mon! It's Opening Day across America! It's time to rejoice!
Just because I wasn't going to Florida didn't mean I wasn't taking that week off of work.
I spent a week cleaning and organizing, reading, playing with the dogs and just generally being a lazy fuck.
It was awesome. The weather was glorious and I had such a wonderful time. I hated going back to work.
Since I have nothing else to talk about...I'm going to force you to look at pics of Dashiell and Piper!
Due to the universe hating me, I will NOT be going to Astros Spring training in Kissimmee!
Everything that could go wrong DID go wrong and when we made the decision not to go, everything seemed to work out in our favor. We ended up trading our tickets for a pair of really great regular season tickets, so we're not out any money.
Sometimes you have to listen to the universe, I suppose. could I leave this face?
I officially adopted Dashiell on Saturday! He's all mine.
He really is such a GOOD dog. I haven't had any real issues with him; he's totally potty trained and VERY good inside.
He needs some leash manners and some manners around other dogs. He's aggressive but not in a violent way. He wants to get to that other dog to play SO bad!
It's been a long time since I've had a dog this young and in need of these types of manners so we'll both have to go through some obedience training. is Dash, enjoying the patio in his forever home:
Dashiell and Piper:
One week from today, I'm loadin' em up and heading to Kissimmee, Florida for Astros Spring Training!
I've got tickets to the Mets' game and I can't wait!
I'm also going to make a stop in Biloxi to sleep with meet the infamous Adam.
So researchers are saying that Moses didn't see (or hear) God. They say he was a junkie user with hallucinations.
I might have believed that of Jonah and all that whale business (I mean...please....who lives inside of a whale for days?) but Moses? C'mon!
I guess they'll have to remake the famous "Moses on the mountain scene" but this time it's at Woodstock and he's dropping the brown acid.
I guess the rescue finally decided I was good enough.
I got the call yesterday that I could come get him for a one week home trial.
He was saved from a kill shelter just 2 days before he was due to be put down. He's supposedly a pure bred Japanese Chin but he's kind of big for that breed.
But, he's gorgeous with a rich sable and white coat.
He's never met a stranger and made up his mind pretty quick that he likes me.
The rescue people named him Alex. He didn't like that name and when I called him Dashiell for the first time, he gave me kisses. I think he likes it!
The first 24 hours went extremely smooth...except...Hemingway hates him.
I'm having a hard time getting those two to bond but they will...eventually.
He has learned really quickly that he likes toys and Dingo bones.
He made quick work of his first Dingo bone.
Piper has ignored him for the most part but like most girls, I'm sure she's just playing "hard to get".
I claim today, March 2, to forever been known as International Skippy Day!!!!!
Happy Birthday panties are in the mail.