January 11, 2006

Short Attention Span Blogging

I don't know why...just because

  • I fixed my own clogged drain yesterday morning. Who needs a man?
  • Have you ever had to pee so bad that when you finally did the relief was so great that you thought to yourself, "This is better than sex!"?
  • I've discovered a new snack: Sam's Choice Asian Trail Mix. You can get that at Walmart. Go. Run.
  • I'm sticking to my New Year's resolution. I'm on book number 2. Except I cheated and made #3 my book #2.
  • I'm buying an old laptop from someone for $25 to use a glorified typewriter.
  • This is some boring shit, ain't it?
Posted by De at January 11, 2006 05:33 PM | TrackBack