September 23, 2005

Hunker In Place

Good news for De and her kin. The hotel they're in had other people cancel their reservations, so now they can stay there for the rest of the storm. They'd found another place to go nearby if they needed to, but now that's moot. They're all shaken from the drama, but they're safe. The only question that remains is where will Rita hit. As of right now, the eye looks like it's going to hit just the other side of the shipping channel from Houston, which might not be far enough away to prevent big damage. There's still some time for the storm to turn a little more though.

If you'd cross your toes as well as your fingers, we'd appreciate it.

Posted by at September 23, 2005 12:42 PM | TrackBack

Mr. M.
I am Ali, De's Iranian friend. I was really worried about De and her family. Thank you very much for keeping us informed of them.
Please say my hello to her. I'll keep her in my thoughts.

Posted by: Ali at September 24, 2005 12:19 AM

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