August 03, 2005

So, yeah...I'm Passive Aggressive

I've accused other people of being passive aggressive but I realized last night that I'm SO guilty of it myself!
I posted a blog entry yesterday totally whining about shit that I really had NO excuse to whine about.
And in passing I mentioned someone that I know reads this blog...KNOWING they would KNOW I was talking about them. (Jeeeez! Did that make sense?)
So, subconsciously, I was being passive aggressive.

While getting ready for bed last night, I was mulling over the events of the day and my mind went back to that stupid post and I thought to myself, "You big whiny retard!"
Who am I to post something so immature and ridiculous? There is a war going on, planes crashing, people suffering from terminal illnesses and I'm over here on my pathetic blog going, "No one listens to me...wahhhhh!".
So, yeah I deleted the post.
In deleting the post, I deleted some VERY sweet comments from a lot of people and don't think I don't have those suckers saved in my inbox and don't think for a second I will forget them!

Posted by De at August 3, 2005 10:33 AM | TrackBack

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