July 13, 2005

It's a Blog's World

I read this post by Sheila a few days ago but I laid in bed thinking about it for some reason last night.
Sheila links to another good post by Michele who answers the question that many people in the blog world have about the terror attacks in London. "Where is the outrage?"

I didn't blog about it because what is there to say? It was HORRIBLE. I wept at seeing the faces of the people being lead away from the wreckage and I wept for the people who weren't able to leave the wreckage.
But I didn't blog it because I would say what everyone else is saying: It was a very very bad thing that happened and the people that did it are very very bad people.
There are bloggers out there who could say it much more eloquently than I could.

Sheila was criticized a while back for not posting about something big that happened in the news and she answered with something similar to, "Hey! It's MY blog! I'll post whatever the hell I want!"

Back in the early days of this blog, I spewed out my opinion on politics and the war in Iraq like someone was begging to hear my invaluable conjecture.
I had an opinion, dammit, and I was going to broadcast it to the WORLD!

After reading blog after blog of people with similar opinions, I realized that no one was really going to beg for mine and frankly, I wasn't as interested in sharing it.

Much like assholes, everyone has an opinion and I'm not special just because I spout mine off on a blog.
What could I say about current events that no one else would? Nothing.

So, I rarely blog about things that are going on in the political world but that doesn't mean I don't read about them. That doesn't mean I don't have opinions about them. I just keep them to myself....unless someone asks, of course...
and sometimes even when they don't.

Posted by De at July 13, 2005 03:13 PM | TrackBack

Not to worry, we can always turn to Hollywood for our opinions. I get all my political information from Tim Robbins, and Tom Cruise is an exellent source for the lowdown on prescription medications.

Posted by: tinyhands at July 13, 2005 11:40 PM

I did blog briefly about the London bombings, but your friend Sheila is exactly right--how many ways can you express your outrage? And the media is saturated with the news, so why blog about it if you have nothing new to say?

And now, back to our regularly scheduled blogging about lint brushes and sex dreams. :)

Posted by: Lisa at July 14, 2005 03:14 AM

I stopped posting most political stuff when I realized I was just repeating myself over and over again and the same folks were just agreeing over and over again.

Posted by: Jim at July 14, 2005 11:18 AM

Not to worry, we can always turn to Hollywood for our opinions. I get all my political information from Tim Robbins, and Tom Cruise is an exellent source for the lowdown on prescription medications.

You're right. When I want to know what to think, I just ask Sean Penn.

Posted by: DeAnna at July 14, 2005 04:55 PM

DeAnna - right on, girl! :)

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