June 02, 2005

Dave "Freaking" Grohl

Sometimes Sheila is way over my head. Sometimes I read her blog and think, "My God I wish I could be that intelligent." Sometimes I read her blog and think, "We might have been separated at birth." Today was one of those days.

Sheila wrote this amazing post about Dave Grohl.
I've never written much about him or the Foo Fighters on my blog because I can't put into words what they mean to me.
Yes, how strange for a group of musicians to have a powerful meaning in my life but they do.
I mentioned it in comments on Sheila's blog but I'll talk about it here.

Back in 1999 I was in the biggest, deepest, darkest depression ever. Every single day, I would wake up and think, "Is this the day I kill myself?" and I would have to actually list all the reasons why I shouldn't. Everyday, I would find reasons but I feared the day that those reasons would mean nothing anymore.
Then, while flipping through the radio stations, I heard Everlong. I had heard the song before, of course, but for some reason, the song just held me at that moment.
These lyrics:
If everything could ever feel this real forever
If anything could ever be this good again

The only thing I'll ever ask of you
You've got to promise not to stop when I say when

Just grabbed me and wouldn't let me go.
I had to know more so I got online and went to their website and suddenly became a part of this community of fans.
I ended up finding people who lived near me that I eventually met and am still friends with to this day. I'm still friends with fans that I've never met but talk to on a near daily basis.
Getting to know those people gave me a reason to get out of bed which led to me getting out of the house and actually starting to live again.
As stupid as it sounds, the Foo Fighters saved my life in a way.
I got involved in several projects and got to meet the band twice. And I talked to Dave on the radio during a Rock Line interview.
These guys are so gracious and don't throw attitude around like you would expect from real rockstars.
Dave was so amazing in person. He took the time to actually TALK to me and listen when I spoke all the while people were pushing and shoving around us trying to get autographs and pictures.

Anyway....read Sheila's post. She says it all there so much better than I ever could.

Posted by De at June 2, 2005 05:13 PM

So moving, DeAnna. Wow.

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