April 27, 2005

The American Idol Lowdown

I rarely blog about American Idol but don't take that to mean I am not totally obsessed with it.
I've been watching it since it's inception and now I've hooked my entire family.
We have family night at my sister's house to eat Coney Islands and watch American Idol. I have christianed it, Coney Idol.
Tuesdays are Coney Idol.

I've disliked Scott with a passion riveled only by Hitlers hatred of the Jews (line shamelessly stolen from a former blogger who is no longer around to be linked) since he joined the top 12.
Scott is so affected with his hand gestures and head movements when he sings. Plus he's just icky.

Let's move on to the others, shall we?

I loved Nadia. She chose bad songs towards the end but I always thought she had great stage presence, a great look and an awesome voice.
I was sad to see her go.

Could I LOVE Bo more? I don't think so. Bo is awesome. He is simply unaffected and REAL. Love love love that. Plus he's a rocker and I have a thing for long-haired rockers.

Carrie will probably win if Constantine doesn't sabotage things. Carrie has the whole package: great voice, cute as a button, the ability to choose the right song, etc...

Anthony Fedorov. He sounds like a tennis player or better yet, a chess champion.
He's got a sweet syrupy voice that really young girls and really old women will love. He's just ok.

I think Vonzelle has an amazing voice. She gets better sounding and better looking every week. There is just something about her personality that isn't getting across to the audience and that will probably cause her not to win.

And now I've saved the creepiest for the last.....Constantine.
Constantine is a camera-whoring, David Cassidy-wannabe.
He has planned his stage persona down to the last hair toss and lip purse.
He lowers his chin and looks at you through his lashes as if he will hypnotize you with his smoldering gaze.
He makes love to the camera and expects hormone-driven teenage girls to swoon at his glance.
He wears EYE LINER as if it's a tool in his weaponry of adolescent destruction.

I am afraid that the screaming teenies will cause Constantine to bump Carrie from the top spot.
If I had my druthers, I'd want Bo to win. He's more real the the rest of them but Carrie appeals to a wider audience.

My pick is Carrie unless Constantine manages to hypnotize the entire world with his wicked "rock n roll fantasy stare" in the next 5 weeks.

Posted by De at April 27, 2005 02:38 PM

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