January 05, 2005

Late Night Short Attention Span Blogging

  • I am currently on Day 4 of a migraine. Do you think I'm dying? Should I start throwing out the things I don't want my mother to find?
  • It's surprising how a great conversation can make your whole day. Just imagine TWO great conversations in one day!
  • I hate that I have great ideas but can't put them on paper. I was standing outside with the dogs a short while ago and I was looking up at the sky as I often do, but this time I was looking through the nearly bare limbs of a tree. This tree I see everyday but everytime I really NOTICE it, it's different. One day it has green leaves and it seems like the next day it only has a few dry golden orange leaves and tonight those leaves seem to be like refugees, clinging to the side of a boat, while the wind dared them to let go just for a second. I had that thought but nothing else to go with it. Frustrating!
  • One of my favorite bloggers closed up shop. Sad!
  • I didn't make any resolutions. Fuck resolutions!
  • I feel bad for Kilgore Trout. He has a nice torso with adequate arms and legs but that face....Dear God! I've never seen a face quite like that. So, what kind of book do you think his mother slept with? Dr. Suess? When Bad Things Happen To Good People?
Posted by De at January 5, 2005 03:58 AM

migraines suck. i finally went and saw a neurologist because i thought i was having a cardiovascular accident that was taking a really long time to kill me.

he gave me relpax and frova. the frova worked and it works every time.

if i ever have a child i will name it frova.

i'm so glad i'm not the only one who loses my ideas between where ever they occur to me and the computer. i thought about carrying a little notebook with me, but i would forget that i have it.

happy new year!


Posted by: susie at January 5, 2005 06:31 PM

sorry you have a migraine and hope you feel better soon.

two great conversations a day would be fabulous - - it'd probably kill me though since I'm not used to it.

One of my favorite bloggers closed up shop too - actually two closed up within days of each other. I suppose the new year was time for them to go.

Posted by: Uptown Girl at January 5, 2005 07:33 PM

I hope that your pain lessens soon!

Posted by: Paul at January 6, 2005 01:00 PM

How unfortunate to suffer from migraines. My sympathies with respect to your head pounding and my best wishes for three good conversations in a day.

Posted by: AJ at January 8, 2005 11:28 AM