December 07, 2004


How much shit is a person expected to deal with in a century?

After everything my mom has been through this year she's going through some bad stuff right now.
She's been feeling bad for a while now and we attributed it to the fact that she lost my dad over the summer and the holidays are here and it's a tough time.

Well...long story short, her blood sugar is in the coma zone and she's got blood clots in both legs. She's got a severe history of DVT so we've been through this before but it's always very scary.

I had to do my civic duty today (Monday) and report to jury duty. I did and I was put on call and sent home. Now, I have to call everynight to see if I have to come in and serve on a jury.

One the bright side, I got a new mattress set delivered on Sunday. I've slept on a full size bed nearly my whole life but I've moved up to a queen. It's quite lovely but now I'm trying to figure why I just dropped all this money on a mattress when I'm a raging insomniac..

Funny story from jury duty.
At the beginning of the process, the judge gives everyone an opportunity to come up and discuss why they can't serve jury duty and she will either dismiss them or tell them to get fucked have a seat.
About 15 people ran to the front to plead their cases. One of them was an older man, probably in his late 60s. I was in the back of the courtroom but I heard every word:

Old Guy: [yelling] I am hard of hearing. I don't think I can serve on a jury.
Judge: Ok. You're dismissed.
Old Guy: Huh?
Judge: [louder] You are dismissed!
Old Guy: Come again?
Judge: [yelling] YOU CAN GO!!!!

For some reason I was the only one in that courtroom giggling.

Posted by De at December 7, 2004 03:27 AM

I'm sorry to hear about your Mom :(

Posted by: Uptown Girl at December 7, 2004 04:53 PM

Best wishes

Posted by: Jay at December 8, 2004 07:27 AM

Thanks, guys. :)

Posted by: DeAnna at December 8, 2004 12:16 PM

OK. Bless you on your mission. .free software download

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