December 03, 2004

I'm a Sexual Intellectual

I think I've become a fucking know-it-all to my family and people at work.
They view the internet as a sparkling new invention and react to it with a child-like amazement. I, on the other hand, am a veteran of the 'net and I'm jaded, as if I've seen it all.
That is why I usually delete forwarded email jokes and chain letters that come from my mother, sisters, aunts and uncles before I even read them because I've read them before...years ago.
Every so often I get an email telling me not to buy coffee from Starbucks because they refused to send coffee to soldiers overseas or an email begging me not to shop at Neiman Marcus because they sold some unwitting fool a cookie recipe for an unbelievable sum or other ridiculous claims that I usually don't believe. Hell, I rarely believe anything I read on the Internet (including this blog).
Lately, I've been going to Snopes to prove to the email senders that the shit they are sending me is bogus. I also send it to all of their recipients.
Am I doing this to educate the world or am I doing it to prove that I'm smarter than they are?
Possibly the latter because when your self-esteem is shit, it's important to let the world know how freaking smart you may or may not be.

Posted by De at December 3, 2004 12:34 PM

Bite me, genius. I said I could tell it was photoshopped. It's still a cool idea.

Posted by: Tanya at December 3, 2004 12:44 PM

You didn't have to take it out, I just misinterpreted your point. I feel the same way about all the "deodorant gives you breast cancer" fwds, but the talent of the really clever photoshoppers is the one thing that still totally enchants me.

Thanks for the email. :o)

Posted by: Tanya at December 3, 2004 01:45 PM

Feh. You've got it all wrong, De. You are smarter. You're not proving it, you're just exhibiting it. ;-)

Posted by: Jim at December 4, 2004 08:06 AM

The need to prove you are smarter is not in and of itself a terrible thing. I do it frequently.

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