October 16, 2004

Blog Ideas

I couldn't think of anything to blog about...well I couldn't sort through all the crap in my head and find something to write about so I ran across a website I had bookmarked a while back, Blog Ideas. The idea I got was "How long do you think you'll live?".
I found this interesting because I have thought about death - who hasn't?

I've always thought that I would die young. I think part of that is because it's hard to imagine myself as an elderly person. Another part is that it's impossible for me to look forward to the future sometimes. Just when I think I have something to look forward to, things drastically change.
I have no fucking clue what's going to happen in the next 20 years. Absolutely no clue.
Most people imagine being with their spouses, watching their children grow up, go to college, get married and plan some kind of great retirement. That doesn't mean things are going to happen the way you think they will, but at least you have an idea.
I have no idea. So, sometimes I think that's because I won't have much of a future, that I will die young.
The thought doesn't scare me too much but I wonder what would happen to my dogs?
Maybe I should clean out my scary secret closet so some poor family member doesn't have to do it. This closet is a secret because it's so scary. Even in death I'd be humiliated for someone to see the horror!

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