August 28, 2004

Wanna Pop?

I was listening to a radio show this morning and they were talking about corporal punishment in schools.
When I was in school, it was permissible to spank students with a paddle. We called it "pops". "Hey, you're going to get pops if Mrs. So 'n So catches you!"
These days you can't hit a student. You have to get permission from a parent before you can use corporal punishment but most schools won't even do it then due to liability issues.
Parents sue schools now when little Johnny acts like a shithead.

I was told by my parents the day I started first grade, "If you get in trouble at school, you get in trouble at home." It was pretty simple to me.
I didn't screw up at school because I knew I'd get it when I got home on top of whatever punishment I got at school.
Of course, if I DID get in trouble at school, I sure didn't run home and tell my parents, either.
I got pops once because I didn't dress out for PE for 3 days.
I "forgot" my gym clothes.
I HATED PE. I wasn't a runner, I didn't do all that outdoorsy crap. What was worse than breaking a sweat in the middle of the day was then having to strip down and shower in front of all the other girls.
Screw that, I'd rather take the pops than humiliate myself.
There was a group of us who felt the same way. We were the Pop Sisters. Sounds like we were an early female version of N'Sync.

I didn't tell my parents about that.

From the stories I hear, public schools are out of control.
Middle school age girls are giving boys blow jobs right in the classroom while others watch!
Kids bring drugs and guns to school and the police are bringing drug and gun sniffing dogs to try to find them.
Are you kidding me? These are children!
So many kids don't give a shit because teachers can't touch them and the parents are either too busy to notice or just plain don't care.

I know the majority of parents are doing the best they can and are raising good kids but it's those shitty parents raising the monsters that ruin it for everyone.

This is reason number 1 why I am not having children; other people's children.

Posted by De at August 28, 2004 09:49 AM

Luckily, I don't think all of those things are the *norm* for schools, just what happens in worse-case-scenario, not that it should happen at all. Parents need to take more responsiblity for thier kids instead of ending all their effort when the fertility drugs kick in.

Posted by: Sabrina at August 29, 2004 09:42 AM

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