July 21, 2004

Cleaning Up My Act

I go to my blog to access my blogroll so I can read my favorite bloggers.
Everyday, I load the blog and my eye lands on portions of the last entry I wrote and I feel sad all over again.
I won't stop being sad but at least I can talk about happy shit.

I've always had a deep abiding love for Anna at Primal Purge but now I can rub her all over my naked body.....
her soap, that is.

I love girly crap. I love things that stink pretty. I can't wait to get my soaps and lotions. I can't wait to smell the lovely boyfriend after he uses the Opium soap!

Oh....here is the happiest shit!
Rachel Lucas is back. Yes, you heard correctly. She. Is. Back.

Who knew I can still drink like I'm 18?
Two weekends ago, we went to a pub to celebrate a friend's birthday.
I started out with a vodka on the rocks with lots of lime. A nice respectable drink.
Then someone mentioned a cosmopolitan and I thought..."mmmm girly drinks!" So I ordered one...then another...then another...then another...well..you get the picture.
Somehow, even though I was with my lovely boyfriend, someone ELSE'S boyfriend bought me 3 and a shot of Patron (have NO idea how to do that little accent thingy) AFTER the lovely boyfriend had already bought me 3.
I have no clue what THAT was all about. I didn't care...I was telling everyone how I wished that they sold Route 44 size Cosmopolitans.
Anyhoo....so in doing the math...I figured out I had one Grey Goose vodka, 6 cosmos and a shot of Patron.
I was still standing, albeit a little wobbly but I was not puking, dancing on the tables or making out with strangers in dark corners. The only sign of my intense alcohol consumption was my unending talkativeness and the fact that I told everyone about the "lesbian" that came on to me in the bathroom which led to my story about my first "lesbian experience" while playing spin the bottle a few years ago.
These were complete strangers - people I had never met before and now they know I kissed a chick.

Well, now you know too.

Posted by De at July 21, 2004 05:30 PM

Yeah, but we're not strangers. ;-)

Posted by: Jim at July 22, 2004 06:38 AM

Thanks for the mention, DeAnna.

I'd like to hope everyone's thinking of me when they take this stuff into the shower.

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