May 14, 2004

You Can't Judge a Cover by it's Book

I'm learning a great many lessons here at the office...

1.) Kids don't act nearly as bad if you don't treat them like they are horrible kids. I noticed that the other employees give every child the evil eye and just wait for them to screw up and usually they do.
I treat each kid like they are normal human beings and I'm not too mean to them unless they really piss me off. Because I treat the kids well, they behave around me. They follow my rules of using the internet computers, they TRY to be quiet but it's impossible for 12 year old boys and girls to be completely quiet when they are all together, I know this and they treat ME with respect as well. It all works out.

2.) No matter what someone looks like on the have NO clue what's going on inside.
We have a regular patron that comes in to use the computers every morning (sometimes twice a day). He's really rough looking with old prison tattoos, dirty jeans, wrinkled concert tshirts and a scary looking unshaven face.
He barely speaks and if you speak to him, he usually just grunts back at you. Lately, I've made it a point to be extra nice to him and say "How are you today?" and try to draw him into a conversation, with no luck. It's become my mission to get him to say "I'm fine. How are you?" But all I get is "Ugh" right now.
Anyway, this scary dude hides a heart of pure poetic joy.
He comes in with a large notebook under his arm and he types up poetry he's handwritten in his book.
He then prints it out and puts it in the book with the original. One day, I gave him a diskette and told him he should save his work on disk as well as have a hard copy. He grunted what I took to be a "thank you" and he has been using the disk everyday.
One day he left his disk in the drive and when I discovered it, I couldn't resist. I popped it in and read his poetry.
He's amazing. His prose speaks of unrequited love, hopeless romanticism, love of nature and God. It's breathtaking and I wish that I could post something here for you to see but what I did was SO wrong and posting his work would not only cross the line, it would hurdle it.

If you saw this guy on the street, you'd think he was some drugged out ex-con, and maybe he is, but you'd never know what's hiding in his soul.

Posted by De at May 14, 2004 11:17 AM

So ASK him if you can post some of his work!

(The worst he could do is grunt, right?)

Posted by: Key at May 15, 2004 12:46 PM

He could grunt and kill me. I wouldn't DARE tell him I invaded his privacy. I should be ashamed! ;)

Posted by: DeAnna at May 17, 2004 10:36 AM

Of course don't tell him!

Just tell him you love poetry, and you'd love to read something if he felt like sharing...

Posted by: Key at May 17, 2004 05:26 PM

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