June 03, 2003

I'm starting to understand how

I'm starting to understand how age can creep up on you...
My mom told me the other day how she wrote a nasty letter to our local CBS affiliate because they preempted The Price Is Right for the Children's Miracle Network Telethon.
I cracked up! Bob Barker has become so important to my mother that she would be pissed because she missed him for a stupid telethon!
I thought to myself, "I would expect this from some old lady but not my mom." Then I realized to some, my mom is an old lady. Wow. How did that happen? When did she become old? I know she has NO idea. In her mind, she's still young.
That's when I realized that it's that way for all of us. In my mind, I'm still 18 and 40 years from now, I'll still think I'm 18. Except my body will betray me. My back will start to hurt, my joints will ache and I'll start driving slowly. I'll become afraid of traffic and steep stairs.
Life is kind of cruel this way. We live a long life and instead of being rewarded with comfort, we're given old bodies and feeble minds.
One would think this knowledge would allow me to have more patience with grouchy old farts but I'm sure the next time I'm behind some old dude going 15 mph in a 55 mph zone I'll be screaming obscenities through my closed car window!

Posted by De at June 3, 2003 01:03 AM

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